This is a shame....Here's a look into the worst school in NYC.

Jul 18, 2012
:smh: This is just completely unacceptable. Reading this **** makes my blood boil. This is an obvious problem. Instead of allocating so much money into different things around the world, let's try to fix some of the things going wrong in our own country. Kids should have to be subjected to this nonsense. They are flat out losing. These are the same kids who will fall through the cracks and leave everyone wondering what went wrong...when it's clear as day that these problems are right before our eyes. Unbelievable.... :smh: And the principal on top of it all...Jeez...

This principal runs a school of “no.”

Students at PS 106 in Far Rockaway, Queens, have gotten no math or reading and writing books for the rigorous Common Core curriculum, whistleblowers say.

The 234 kids get no gym or art classes. Instead, they watch movies every day.

“The kids have seen more movies than Siskel and Ebert,” a source said.

The school nurse has no office equipped with a sink, refrigerator or cot.

The library is a mess: “Nothing’s in order,” said a source. “It’s a junk room.”

No substitutes are hired when a teacher is absent — students are divvied up among other classes.

A classroom that includes learning-disabled kids doesn’t have the required special-ed co-teacher.

About 40 kindergartners have no room in the three-story brick building. They sit all day in dilapidated trailers that reek of “animal urine,” a parent said; rats and squirrels noisily scamper in the walls and ceiling.

No books, no clue at city’s worst school

This principal runs a school of “no.”

Students at PS 106 in Far Rockaway, Queens, have gotten no math or reading and writing books for the rigorous Common Core curriculum, whistleblowers say.

The 234 kids get no gym or art classes. Instead, they watch movies every day.

“The kids have seen more movies than Siskel and Ebert,” a source said.

The school nurse has no office equipped with a sink, refrigerator or cot.

The library is a mess: “Nothing’s in order,” said a source. “It’s a junk room.”

No substitutes are hired when a teacher is absent — students are divvied up among other classes.

A classroom that includes learning-disabled kids doesn’t have the required special-ed co-teacher.

About 40 kindergartners have no room in the three-story brick building. They sit all day in dilapidated trailers that reek of “animal urine,” a parent said; rats and squirrels noisily scamper in the walls and ceiling.

Rest of Article in Link

Principal at NYC’s worst elementary school ‘arrives at work on time for first time in 7 years’

A top school official showed up at the notorious “School of No” in Queens today to investigate shocking conditions exposed by The Post as angry parents and a city Council member demanded answers.

“Every day, my son tells me all they do is watch TV all day long. I teach him how to read, but this school has not helped him at all. All they do is yell at the kids. I ask them why they are always yelling and the teachers say they have to because the principal is so strong on them,” griped Ivelisse Lantigua, 39, whose son is a second-grader at PS 106 in Far Rockaway.

Sources said that fur-loving principal Marcella Sills has an abominable attendance record and history of uncaring and bizarre behavior.

“The PTA has problems with the principal. My wife is the vice president of the PTA. The principal, she doesn’t care. She dodges parents. She says she’s busy but then she’s just standing around, and always ready to leave,” said Jonathan Pelaez, 26, who was dropping off daughter for pre K.

Rest of Article in Link
The 234 kids get no gym or art classes. Instead, they watch movies every day.

“The kids have seen more movies than Siskel and Ebert,” a source said.


What do you expect? :lol:

I don't care what city it's're kidding yourself if you don't think something is seriously messed up about this school. There are bad schools everywhere, but this is on another level. Has nothing to do with New York.
So what are you planning to do about it?

I know, let's start a fundraiser. I'll donate.
NY slander already 1 post in, gotta love NT 

If I was a parent, first I would get out of god awful Far Rockaway, possibly the most forgotten section of the 5 boroughs

I would pull my kid from that school immediately, I'm not sure why these parents are putting up with this
Far Rock is probably the worst part of all of NYC...

One dude I worked with said that when those commercials to help children for 25 cents a day are made they go to Far Rock to film them.

There are some DOE schools that are like that. This is just one of them. Working as an IT contractor there years ago, I've seen some ****.
^^^your boy got some false information.

and I'm certain there are worse schools around this country, only reason this school got press is because it's in NYC.

shame that it's a primary school, those are the most critical years for development being neglected.
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NY slander already 1 post in, gotta love NT >D

If I was a parent, first I would get out of god awful Far Rockaway, possibly the most forgotten section of the 5 boroughs

I would pull my kid from that school immediately, I'm not sure why these parents are putting up with this

pretty sure the people living there have no choice but to stay there. it's easy to say, "i'd just leave" or "put my kid in a different school", but its never that easy.
NY slander already 1 post in, gotta love NT >D

If I was a parent, first I would get out of god awful Far Rockaway, possibly the most forgotten section of the 5 boroughs

I would pull my kid from that school immediately, I'm not sure why these parents are putting up with this

for some reason i don't think people living in far rock really have much of a choice in where they live or where their kids go to school.... What kills me is that they have kids sitting in ******g trailers outside of the school... but the same city is proposing that they use tax dollars (200-300 Million) to be exact to build city Island a ****** Bridge. This is why i hate the idea of taxes. things aren't being spent correctly.
NY slander already 1 post in, gotta love NT >D

If I was a parent, first I would get out of god awful Far Rockaway, possibly the most forgotten section of the 5 boroughs

I would pull my kid from that school immediately, I'm not sure why these parents are putting up with this

for some reason i don't think people living in far rock really have much of a choice in where they live or where their kids go to school.... What kills me is that they have kids sitting in ******g trailers outside of the school... but the same city is proposing that they use tax dollars (200-300 Million) to be exact to build city Island a ****** Bridge. This is why i hate the idea of taxes. things aren't being spent correctly.

its not the idea of taxes that you hate. its how the dollars are being used.
How can u blame the principal only if NY state isn't funding the schools the personal can only work w what they got I mean the real problem is the school board allowing any of this ish to happen and this is coming from a NYC school teacher sub, honestly if kids in these horrible situations were given a good schooling and supplies maybe things would be different but then again trust me kids in those schools could care less about being a high number on the graduation list but ratherr become another statistics and yea it's sad cuz the writing is on the wall for these kids and they don't wanna see it no matter how hard to try and help these kids
thank god they have their priorities in order like getting rid of big *** sodas.

i dont think alot of you know how living in poverty works, you just cant uproot your kids and government assisted home and leave..

im not saying these kids are poor, but most of the time its usually the underpriviledged who have to put up with this kind of stuff.

you know this stuff wouldn't fly in those other parts of the state.

ultimately it's up to the kid if he wants to get out of that type of environment, some parents just use the kid as a way to get a check and free services, and couldnt really give a crap about the kids classroom condition, school is just free daycare that feeds em and gets em away from home for a couple of hours.

these are the kids that do whatever they can to get good grades to make sure they have a way out..

its a terrible cycle but there's a way out, unfortunately excelling in school gets you beat up and ridiculed in these places. 

i grew up in poverty, hell the last time i saw the dentist was when this group of college students rolled into my town and provided free dental work to my school.

i was in the 4th grade, im 27 now.
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