This dude fousey is a case study on how fame accelerates self destruction

He had some of the worst girl problem threads ever under his old SN, straight simp, so it was weird to see a simp make it big acting like he wasn't soft like baby thighs.

Dude is just following the classic trajectory of most big youtubers who make it big then go crazy.
There's dudes in here harboring legit hate for the dude while they hide behind a screen name. Some of y'all are pathetic. I get that he does some things, but good God.
one thing i dont really understand about him is that he can prob have sex with a different girl every night. but I dont think he does. which is weird to me
NT'ers like Fousey, Dom, Ben, Wale, and Neek inspire me to get this dust $$$.

I'm a designer so if anyone has any ideas hit me and we can come up w a plan, lets get rich.
Fame...or chasing fame is a helluva drug

"Fame is the worst drug known to man. Its stronger than heroin. When you could look in the mirror like, 'There I am' and still not see what youve become"- :emoji_camel:
The whole purpose of making threads about him in general is to get the Lulz and throw shots at him..... It’s corny b
Never any hate for fousey, just same as always i'll support an nter and happy for their success, but his content isn't for me. I don't see why ya'll are calling everything hate though and acting like he doesn't do lame things to attract that attention.

Because it sounds like y’all are like “ damn my office job sucks this guy fousey making a other stupid video and getting paid for it my life sucks “ lol that’s how y’all sound because y’all damn sure ain’t concerned about anything else
Because it sounds like y’all are like “ damn my office job sucks this guy fousey making a other stupid video and getting paid for it my life sucks “ lol that’s how y’all sound because y’all damn sure ain’t concerned about anything else
For one, I never even criticized him here, so stop with the ya'll. Seems like you're not even reading, just eager to label something. Then two, that's an insane reach to make that judgement of the folks that have criticized, it's incredibly lazy and without thought.

This was one of the funniest episodes of the show that I've seen. He was off his rocker, :rofl:
For one, I never even criticized him here, so stop with the ya'll. Seems like you're not even reading, just eager to label something. Then two, that's an insane reach to make that judgement of the folks that have criticized, it's incredibly lazy and without thought.

Saying people do lame things for attention is critizing him for one. So that’s why your part of the y’all...also just telling it how it looks lazy and without thought probably but that’s how y’all look
calling his content corny =/= wanting to see him fail

Ppl are just stating their opinion. Him being an NTer doesnt really make him immune to that kind of criticism

Word. You cant even call someones content (whether it be music, youtube videos or whatever) corny or just straight up not be a fan of it with out being called a hater.

Could honestly care less about dude. Do i hate him? No of course not, i dont even know the man. Just think majority of his youtube videos are lame, but i also think most other youtubers are lame same ways.

I was however laughing my ******* *** off at the video of his tatted hairline and the hairline removal, but in fairness to him id have laughed at anyone in that position. So it wasnt necessarily personal.
Saying people do lame things for attention is critizing him for one. So that’s why your part of the y’all...also just telling it how it looks lazy and without thought probably but that’s how y’all look

He does do lame things for attention. That’s facts.
Dudes need to learn when it’s time to just let it go.

Get ya bald on
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