Thirstiest Men on Instagram





They're really just a product of the attention-farming nature of this generation's attractive women.

Instagram is a popularity contest for them, a place where they can laugh at the attention they get from the same men who have carried her self esteem on their collective backs.
Pure comedy. Gotta be a NTer or two on there thirsting like summer in Nigeria.

Paige Elaine. Those aesthetics. :wow:
there's only one way to reverse this horrible epidemic....this is truly a vagina "housing bubble" that we're in and frankly da prices

need to start coming down, and i got da perfect solution.

legalize prostitution.

now here me out, when you legalize prostitution, it TAKES da power of thirst away from these attention seeking good for nothing but

bathroom pics broadz......having sex should be as easy as hailing a taxi cab, or ordering a pizza for da common man. once women

realize that they can't just get round on their looks because frankly a guy can phone some vagina whenever he wants for less then what you'll

drop at a bar one night, this type of rachetness will subside. women will HAVE to start trying to be productive because da thirsty guys can now

just smash w/e and whenever they want, and when someone is in a relationship it'll mean something because you not with em just for sex.

this also lowers da price of sex too, since vagina has a going "rate" da more available it is, da cheaper and less valuable it'll be...

when you go to countries where prostitution is legal, women act COMPLETELY different, they know men aint gonna be chasing em cuz they can

basically get it when they want, da roles are reversed, so if you're a ok cool guy doing his thing, women FIGHT for you, because they want a serious relationship.
I don't think the government will ever legalize prostitution due to the fact u cant keep track of a ***** therefore it cant be properly taxed.
I don't think the government will ever legalize prostitution due to the fact u cant keep track of a ***** therefore it cant be properly taxed.

thats why you have brothels and credit card machines. of course street hookers wont be legal, because they cant be monitored for diseases
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