Things that grind your gears Vol I Hate People

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

So I had an idea for this thread last night when I was getting pissed off by customers at work

-When a customer at work wants the cheapest computer we have, but beats around the bush, trying to ask all kinds of questions about it, when they know damn well they are buying that computer and only that, trying to not look so cheap about it
, and they ask ******ED quesitons at that.
-People who just shout "hey you i need help" When I am clearly helping someone else
-The guy at my gym who works out with NO shoes on... what the hell man... how do you not wear shoes in a public gym?
-People at the gym who occupy more than one bench/machine at a time, that is not necessary
-When I'm @ a bar and some guy says to me or one of my friends "f*g, I'll kick your a**" for talking on the phone in the bathroom. Really man? I'm 6'5, 230, and am with a group of 5 or so guys who all are at least 6' 200, and you really wnat to say something like that?
-To go off of that, when I'm at a small apartment party of a friends, and some guy i have met like one time is being a jerk to EVERYONE, so I call him out on it, and he wants to fight me, REALLY? Once again, I'm 6'5 230, and your like 5'10, 170. And you are way to drunk to be fighting, Get out of here.

Maybe this is more of rant, but sometimes I really hate people

-this girl i coach doesn't make eye contact with me when i'm chewing her out

-bad/slow drivers

-creepy dudes that hang out at 7/11 that either whistle at my girl or make fun of me

-people who drink for no real reason...or just for the sake of peer pressure...or basically people who have no mind of their own

-this girl that constantly invites herself places when we all know no one invited her and nobody wants her there

-gay republicans
When people stare at me in the gym.

When people come up and start talking to me in the gym.

When people take my machine while I'm taking a 30-second break for a sip of water at the gym.

Ugly girls with bad attitudes.

Negative, bitter people.
Originally Posted by eastpointoutlaw

Guys with rims riding around mugging ( dudes do this alot in the south) so lame I have rims and I don't waste my time mugging fools at the red light

N_ in Georgia gang banging now LAME
dont get me started bruh, they wanna rok the red flagz now.

dudes STILL on Girbauds
everyone wanna rock dreads now, its becoming an annoying trend on the realz.
Rockin Polo boots with EVERYTHING
the bigger they are the harder they fall...just cause you're 6'5" dont think you arent untouchable...

anyways, you're at a bar, drunk people do drunk things...calm your nerves unless they really wanna go then go head.
too many things I'd rather not get into it
people bailing on plans day of or hour of... or delayed bailing....

people who owe you money and dont pay you back or ask for more money.

people saying racist things and saying their not racist

banwagon fans

girls who hate guys who lead them on yet they lead on guys daily

girls who hook up with everyone around you but you (you dont want it but you keep hearing it happening)

i guess i hate the people here during winter break haha
the whole Dallas Cowboys organization...from its players to its fans, and to its ESPN jockriders.
people killing people over things that are of little importance in life.
people rocking fakes
people with bad attitudes
racist and ignorant people period.
kids that start the "free my _ Lil whatsoever" after they get arrested for a major crime.
- dudes that say another dudes hair still is played out(locks or cornrolls). Like why do u feel the need to speak on that dudes personal choice, very suspectto me.

-stupid chicks that follow me in the club. Please get away!!!

-females or dudes goin extra hard to stunt in the club.

-when a chick I go to the movies with wants to talk or ask questions the whole time.

-chicks taking your kindness for weakness. Until you have to put them in their place.

- people questioning me about why I don't pick up their phone calls. Bc "I didn't wanna talk to you".

- my homegirl talking smushy to me. "baby I miss you!",
"I need some of that good stuff from you",
"I wanna be with you and I love you so much!"
For some reason, sometimes that gets under my skin in the worst way.

- sometimes my wifey smart !@! remarks and corny comments. I be ready to power drive her sometimes.
- dudes that say another guy hair style is played out(locks or cornrolls). Like why do u feel the need to speak on that dudes personal choice, very suspect tome.

-stupid chicks that follow me in the club. Please get away!!!

-females or dudes goin extra hard to stunt in the club.

-when a chick I go to the movies with wants to talk or ask questions the whole time.

-chicks taking your kindness for weakness. Until you have to put them in their place.

- people questioning me about why I don't pick up their phone calls. Bc "I didn't wanna talk to you".

- my homegirl talking smushy to me. "baby I miss you!",
"I need some of that good stuff from you",
"I wanna be with you and I love you so much!"
For some reason, sometimes that gets under my skin in the worst way.

- sometimes my wifey smart +!% remarks and corny comments. I be ready to power drive her sometimes.
Originally Posted by Dam itz Lou

I dont know if its just me but this @#%* really pisses me off. Let's say when your walking with groceries and someone in front of you knows your coming there way but decides to still stand there and not move ? Like there waiting for you to tell them excuse me. Am I the only one ?

Happens at the gym all the time. i just put my hand on their back (no gay stuff) in a slight push, more like a nudge and say excuse me.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Dudes who mean mug...Its like damn...

I'm not a female, there are females around, look at them...

If a dude gotta mean mug me why not just come out with what he has to say to me. IF a dude has a problem express it or do something about it. #+! is petty.

Dudes with horrible bass in their cars, you know the type. Ride around mugging like the dude above, only now he has this obnoxiously loud bass that drowns out the actual music with this @#(@* annoying @(# rattle that does nothing but vibrate the entire car.

cosign on this. i sport a fitted cap enough to cover my forehead and a fellow asian decides to mean-mug and stare as if he's never seen another asian weara fitted cap. i hate people who stare but are afraid to approach u.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

girls that don't wax/shave...

bluetooth devices on people that aren't driving...

people that don't say thank you when you open the door for them...

white people that say the inward like they been through the struggle...

black girls in Uggs...

at the "inward" haha
I don't wear or like Uggs but I don't think any race should wear them..they're just

my list..
-People who talk so loud on their cell phone on campus and even worse on the bus when its like dead silent.
-People who stand around and pass out flyers on campus..

-Old farts who drive..South Florida drivers..
-People who don't signal and just turn at the last minute

-People with bad breath and want to talk all up in ya grill
Originally Posted by jay y kay

people who don't understand what i said at the first time and ask me to repeat again.
I hate that too lol

When I'm on the phone and people in person tryin to talk to me knowin I'm on the phone.
When I'm talkin to someone on the phone and they give more attention to someone in person.
Dudes who stare at you in the gym.
Dudes you're friends with that talk mad @*$$ about women but as soon as they see one kiss their !$$
Originally Posted by DeeeK

Slow drivers.... if you're a slow driver, *%%$ you
Fast drivers.

It's the best when you see em speeding on the freeway, you get off on your exit and bam, sitting at the light right next to you is that speeder.

Love it.
getting my socks wet

being bored

people on here who act like their opinion matters or what their sense of style is should be the standard( this is the internet. you're a nobody)

people who dont respond to text messages or facebook messages (you dont have to answer immediately but dont act like you didnt get it)

people who worry about what the next man is wearing or the next man's hairstyle
When you reply in a thread that's a week old and eveyone !@%!+*! about gravedigging. %%#$ you.
I hate non-drivin ##@ ppl. U slow down at the intersection goin straight when the light is green. Then u decide to turn and NOT put ur blinker on.

I also hate smokers. They walk down the street smokin swingin they cigs back and forth like it aint ppl behind them walkin. Then u say somethin to em and theylook at u like it's ur fault

I could go on and on but....
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