Things I Hate...

I try not to hate anyone or anything, but I DO really dislike:

Women who drive minivans; pulling out onto the road, failing to yield and causing collisions which result in your bike being totaled and permanent loss of the use of your right arm.

...that and NY i guess...

...facebook too.
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I hate everyone and everything.
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Damn... so many things that come to mind.

-Ryan Reynolds

-White Cement 3's

-Ignorant *** people


-Stubbing my toe

-Chicken with bones in it (them tenders tho.....

-The homie that always got the new sneakers but is constantly asking or money for something

-Ford mustangs

-When people point at me

-When people slam on they brakes when they half a mile away from the red light with no one in front of them

-When hulu plays the same commercial over and over and over

-Time warner Cable

-All boston Sports teams

-Jermaine Cole

-Lil Wayne


Just off top.

The people who sit around me in my row at work.
Being late
My neighbor
The girls at my school. They stank!
Girls who do not understand chivalry
Cell yell
When there is so much parking space in the parking lot but someone just decides to park next to you.
Wen i buy a sac and dude ties the knot like its a damb puzzle.

Mindy kaling

All those nike what the f*** sneakers

Wen sumone overtakes me and goes slower than me

Speed limits

Riding in a car with no music or Christian rock

Chick fil a on sundays

People taking pictures of food

-driving slow in the fast lane

-old men in the locker room

-grumpy people

-nobody doing their jobs as well as I do mine

-the corporate world

-overpaid attorneys

-meetings that serve no purpose

-people with horrendous memories

-lose lose situations

-threads that make me think of things I hate to upset me
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slow people in the fast lane
bird poop on my car
the phlegm build up from my lungs that makes me have to cough about every 5 minutes
fixing sheets that come off your bed when your bed is located at the corner of your room
houses with NO carpet at all (have to walk around with slippers/socks all the time. i can't be barefoot)
not being able to find parking near my dorm
video game lag
contradicting usernames/gamertags
twitter parody accounts
my roommates, when they leave a mess in the bathroom
people who drag their feet when they walk
people who wear actual pajamas outside
people who wear house slippers outside
envious people
not being able to have a normal sleeping schedule
split ends in my hair
people who rely on others to boost their self esteem
Women who don't want to have sex with me.

Women who are loud, mean, AND *****, you're UGLY, you don't have the privilege of being a horrible person too.
Scuffing my shoes.

5 guys prices.

Females who send me crappy nudez


Chipotle after I eat it.

When someone doesn't understand what I'm talking about, so you have to dumb it down.

People that walk slow in front of you

People that walk in the middle of the street instead of on the sidewalk

Loud people, especially loud females

When you're drinking/smoking having a good time and there's that one dude who is uptight for no reason

Dumb people
- Cowboys, eagles, ********, patriots, Red Sox & Laker fans.

- Every 10 year old with J's

- Someone who is high & brags about how great sobriety is.

- Girls with bad breath.

- Always having that feeling of having to poop.

- Lots of people in a tiny space.
When women think they are entitled to something because they are women.

That Nike removed the option to buy replacement lunarlon for my kobes

I have no money
Answers phone

Me - hello

(Friend im chilling with) - whos that?

(Me not answering because im on the phone)

(Friend im with) - yo who is that?

Or this

I open a bag of chips

Friend - yo lemme get some

I bring food

Friend - yo lemme get some

I bring my girl over

Friend - yo lemme get some

Jk on that last part

Not bout that ****old life


Not srs

Semi srs

I always ask people who they're on the phone with or texting :lol:
When someone calls ME and then takes 20 seconds to being talking and not on some spotty coverage stuff either.

Like they are talking to someone in front of them but call me and make me wait until they are done.

Or I call you and you pick and keep talking to whoever you talkin to.  Just pause the convo or dont pick up until their is a break in convo
people not saying thank you for holding a door open for them
people not holding a door open for me when im right behind them
people that arent their own person
when da kicks get scuffed
long lines
censored movies on tv
95% of mainstream hip hop
girls that be thinking they're cute
ugly girls that be thinking they're cute
cups that you can't put your whole hand in to dunk oreos in
when keyboards have **** under them and you can't press the key
when you on usestube and the quality automaticlly changes and the video has to re buffer
when teachers assign tests on the same day
when people hate on Sonic
people that can't take a joke
when pople ask you to pause the game but it's online
when you undertoast bread, retoast it and then it's burned
when cold drinks get warm
when warm drinks get cold
when you too sleepy to get up but too awake to get up
when a size of a shirt is too small but the next size is too big
when people talk too much
You & I are much alike


sour  cream

and ppl with grammatical errors. ie ( their, they're, there)
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-girls that fish for compliments
-girls that say tell me why you love me etc.

effin hate that like girl calm down and cook me a meal
-When I go to taco bell and say "No Sour Cream" and they put it on my food anyway
-People that try and talk to u when u have your headphones in
-People that stand over my shoulders while im doing something
-People that borrow stuff but never bring it back.. Or better yet they lose it
-The ladies at the DMV here in Memphis.. They have the worst attitudes, I swear having a bad attitude has to be one of the qualifications..
-Chicks that pull up their IG's on your phone so you can like their pictures.. Smh, its that serious I guess..
-Scavenger smokers
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