Things I Hate...

i hate thinking about what im not going to be...

i can hate more things about what other people do, but i would rather love what i can do.
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Getting blamed for something you didn't do and no one wants to believe your side of the story. 
Cynical People
Internet Know It Alls/Trolls
People with no education or experience trying to "school" me on running my business
Parent who don't reprimand their kids for bad behavior in public
Dudes who complain about women for doing the same dumb **** they do all the time :rolleyes
People who blame religion for the worlds problems
religious zealots
atheist zealots
The 49ers
The completely outrageous and unfair student loan system in America (They are conditioning and ensuring that people become apart of the workforce, instead of starting or creating business).
People who only deal in absolutes
People's just overall lack of social and political awareness/urgency
Grammar snobs
D riders

When ppl ask why not after you give them an answer

Ppl who dont have there money ready when buying something

Ppl that show out when drunk

When girls you know stare at you waiting for you to say hi first instead of just saying hi

Ppl that just show up to your crib without letting you know

Ppl that would keep calling your phone until you pick up

When dudes act scared around females
emotional ppl
jealous ppl
ppl who lie
why the browns can't win 1 Super Bowl
Girls that act extra stuck up because of their looks but have the personality of a rock
Big girls that protect their more attractive friends
ppl who start conversations with you while your trying to work out
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D riders

Ppl that would keep calling your phone until you pick up

Bruh my grandma side of the family is soooooooooooooooo annooying cause of this. Uncle called and told him grandparents weren't here, ***** called at least 10 times before I picked up and stayed on the phone for less than 10 secs.
jerry jones

windy days


taco bell

being late



my bed


lame teachers trying to act like they're changing your life for the better

bell peppers

hot showers

boring people

my ex

my ex's mother

no internet connection

my phone

girls calling you immature but they are the ones being childish

girls who throw the "you're not even man enough" line at you when they lose

madden games

being poor when there is so much i want




hate this time of year when the sun goes away too early

super religious people

not having food when you're hungry

brian austin green


wool fitteds that shrink after one wear


going fishing but not catching a damn thing

my hooptie

my room

skate stoppers


people who chew with their mouth open

rude people

people who are too cautious 

lazy people

my local drunks and tweakers asking for dollars and not change

when there is nothing on tv

when restaurants lag with food

when wings are too dry

when you can't get a refill yourself and have to wait for the lazy person attending you

people who don't use the turn signal

girls who think they are bomb but in reality are a collab of medusa and honey boo boo


feminine guys

people hastagging pics with stuff that has nothing to do with their pic just to get likes

mexican families that have 656050+65980/7870945+6.3 people living in a 3 bedroom house and take over the whole block with parking, especially when they don't invite to their parties

dirty people on the bus

paying for gas

i don't have a dinosaur

wrastling (wwe)

when girls drop hints, just tell me

when ex's lie to their friends about you

every song on the radio

country music

dubstep noise

my brother's gf

high maintenance girls

that every clothing company has a different fit

my econ homework

driving through malibu

having a bad day


the news/media

people worshiping lames

that hot pockets cannot be microwaved perfectly

that subway is overpriced

when girls don't tell you about their kid/s up front

more to be added... gotta get back to my homework

The way I look.


The fact that I don't have any real world experience.

When I meet a chick, she's quiet. ***** say something

Not having my own crib.
I hate those "****** or ******* be like" memes, women who address other women as "females" to impress dudes, and GTA Online. I still cant get it to work 
-wet socks

-the pay screen on the gas pump cause it asks too many damn questions

-people that adopt other peolpes beefs

-ex's that use their children as pawns
NTers that say "mines" instead of mine. God that sounds so illiterate.

People that don't tip properly.

A stain on my shoe.

Lazy coworkers.

Rude people that don't say please, thank you, excuse me...etc.

Fast food lettuce. I always end up pulling it out because it's just white garbage.
Gas prices

Income Tax rates

Inflation in general but especially on sneakers

When people misuse "your" and "you're"

People that kill you on GTA online for no good reason



Mainstream pop music

Microwave food

My diet struggle :lol:

Monday mornings


Disloyal people

Bandwagon sports fans

Stuck up people

Selfish people

Not being able to focus/concentrate

Bad luck



People who like things just because they're popular

Being bored


Bad memories

Double standards


Growing up
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stupid people that think they're smart
dumb people
my ex girlfriend (i hope she dies srs)
myself for being lazy
females that dont wanna put out
females that lead you on
people that only wanna talk to you because they need something from you
people who think they are better than everyone
when i cant sleep because of my thoughts

- people who think they're always right
- school
- driving in traffic
- slow *** drivers in norcal
- inconsiderate douchebags who don't use their signal lights
- when females instagram profile consists of literally 90%+ selfies/pictures of themselves
- when females #beautiful #cute #pretty #gorgeous on their selfies..... i'm judging you
- slow *** internet
- having crappy wifi on campus
- my old roommates
- my ex boyfriend and all the girls he cheated on me with (waddup if you're reading this)
- my other ex boyfriend (waddup if you're reading this too)
- menstruation
- sexual droughts
- having a night classes
- mayo
- tomatoes
- sushi
- being an only child
- long distances
- my local metro system
- slow *** pedestrians
- inconsiderate drivers/skaters/bikers who don't care when you're in their way.
- lil wayne
- drake
- homewreckers
- when males don't understand that you're not interested
- manwhorish men who will smash everything they see
- men who abuse women
- men who think they can have their cake and eat it too
- men in general
- men who think they're hot **** when really they're just a douchebag
- people who talk mad **** when they don't even know you on a personal level
- people who make assumptions without any evidence to back it up
- men who don't understand what NO means
- messy *** females
- snooty sorority girls
- rush week when sorority girls wont stop asking me to join their sisterhood
- not having american channels
- controlling people
- mean people
- not having enough sleep
- when i lose hairties
- when i lose my chapsticks
- washing dishes
- having long hair
- waxing my brows and lip
- when i paint my nails and i need to pee right after
- when my nailpolish chips
- when i hit something while waiting for my nailpolish to dry
- the fact that my hair is super straight and super black and super thick
- my acne scars
- my sensitive skin
- being short
- having small feet
- fermented shrimp paste
- working with people who don't do anything
- my iphone
- my iphone's battery life
- controlling my hormones
- still living with my parents and not being able to live with my mister until after i graduate
- paying for parking
- people who laugh at everything, especially in class or during movies
- lame movies
- when tall people use me as an armrest

***** what the ****?
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Someone trying to preach to me when I'm wearing my F*vk supreme items

Crowed trains, people staring at me while I'm sitting down inside the train, TOURIST,

Toursit, no I will not help you where you wanna go
when da kicks get scuffed

long lines

censored movies on tv

95% of mainstream hip hop

girls that be thinking they're cute

ugly girls that be thinking they're cute

cups that you can't put your whole hand in to dunk oreos in

when keyboards have **** under them and you can't press the key

when you on usestube and the quality automaticlly changes and the video has to re buffer

when teachers assign tests on the same day

when people hate on Sonic

people that can't take a joke

when pople ask you to pause the game but it's online

when you undertoast bread, retoast it and then it's burned

when cold drinks get warm

when warm drinks get cold

when you too sleepy to get up but too awake to get up


when a size of a shirt is too small but the next size is too big

when people talk too much
when da kicks get scuffed
long lines
censored movies on tv
95% of mainstream hip hop
girls that be thinking they're cute
ugly girls that be thinking they're cute

cups that you can't put your whole hand in to dunk oreos in
when keyboards have **** under them and you can't press the key
when you on usestube and the quality automaticlly changes and the video has to re buffer
when teachers assign tests on the same day
when people hate on Sonic
people that can't take a joke
when pople ask you to pause the game but it's online
when you undertoast bread, retoast it and then it's burned
when cold drinks get warm
when warm drinks get cold
when you too sleepy to get up but too awake to get up
when a size of a shirt is too small but the next size is too big
when people talk too much

dam howd i forget these :lol:
- my ex boyfriend and all the girls he cheated on me with (waddup if you're reading this)
- my other ex boyfriend (waddup if you're reading this too)

when da kicks get scuffed
long lines
censored movies on tv
95% of mainstream hip hop
girls that be thinking they're cute
ugly girls that be thinking they're cute
cups that you can't put your whole hand in to dunk oreos in
when keyboards have **** under them and you can't press the key
when you on usestube and the quality automaticlly changes and the video has to re buffer
when teachers assign tests on the same day
when people hate on Sonic
people that can't take a joke
when pople ask you to pause the game but it's online
when you undertoast bread, retoast it and then it's burned
when cold drinks get warm
when warm drinks get cold
when you too sleepy to get up but too awake to get up
when a size of a shirt is too small but the next size is too big
when people talk too much
You & I are much alike
I hate not knowing what I wanna do in life in regards to a career. :smh:
Also, I hate the weak minded individual.
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