There should be another music forum aside from the "rap" forum...

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

and whatever else you call your gangsta %%*@.
But, if all your favorite musicians didnt grab their #*%$+ so much, maybe they could pick up an instrument and learn some real music.
Resentment and racist undertones FTL.

Log off.


and a lot of the good folks in the Music forum have varied tastes, but OP wouldn't know. I doubt he has even tried to make a thread there. Probably gotintimidated by all the Cam threads

Anyways, this thread seems like a thinly veiled anti "black people" music attack so....oh well, nothing anyone can do to change OP's ignorance.
the music forum really should have subforums. Even if it was just two for rap/hip hop and then other, things would be much easier.
a lot of people who like hip hop(like myself) are interested in other types of music but don't necessarily post about it much. so its ignorant to assumethat just because we like hip hop, we don't listen to anything else.

i've made a few non-hip hop threads that were successful. all we need is more people to do the same and the Music forum will change.

for the record, NT has put me on to a lot of my non-hip hop stuff. i click on almost every non-hip hop related thread just to check out different types ofmusic. so if dudes keep making the threads, that type of music will slowly gain more fans.
The thing is, His solution wouldn't change anything.

Whether they make a whole new Music forum, Or subforums, The result will still be the same.

Those "other" forums will be ghost towns, And he'll still be a salty racist at the end of the day.
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

I have some cool music stuff and lyrics I want to post, but the only type of music that goes in the music thread is rap and hip hop and whatever else you call your gangsta %%*@.... Any of my threads would either not garner any interest in there, or they would fall off the first few pages so fast, they wouldnt be view...

Is there anyone else that agrees here? I want to talk to some mods and see if we could get the ball rollin on this..

There would be:

Music.... (which is all the rap stuff)



Vinnie Paz > your entire music collection.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

I have some cool music stuff and lyrics I want to post, but the only type of music that goes in the music thread is rap and hip hop and whatever else you call your gangsta %%*@.... Any of my threads would either not garner any interest in there, or they would fall off the first few pages so fast, they wouldnt be view...

Is there anyone else that agrees here? I want to talk to some mods and see if we could get the ball rollin on this..

There would be:

Music.... (which is all the rap stuff)



Vinnie Paz > your entire music collection.


In perfect music forum fashion.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

The thing is, His solution wouldn't change anything.

Whether they make a whole new Music forum, Or subforums, The result will still be the same.

Those "other" forums will be ghost towns, And he'll still be a salty racist at the end of the day.
It wouldn't be a horrible thing to at least attempt it though.

Clearly a few people in this thread feel that the music forum isn't balanced enough. However this could also be solved by just posting other types ofmaterial more often.

But then again on more than one occasion I have seen people try to post about other genres and get attacked by trolls talking nonsense.
MUSIC HAS NO RACE. I don't care if it'd be a ghost town. It'd be a ghost town that I'd haunt frequently. NT = boring, old, in need of somethingto spark people's interest who have been here for 7 years and are growing up...
. I don't care if it'd be a ghost town. It'd be a ghost town that I'd haunt frequently.
That's a good attitude to have...But apparently the OP doesn't share your sentiments.

He crying because he's not getting any replies in threads pertaining to his genre of music instead of rolling with the punches.

So even if they did make subforums, He'd still be crying because nobody comes in the forum. Making a new forum won't change the overwhelming interestgenerated by hip-hop on NT.

Then he wanna make subliminal jabs at race/hip-hop...
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

I have some cool music stuff and lyrics I want to post, but the only type of music that goes in the music thread is rap and hip hop and whatever else you call your gangsta %%*@.... Any of my threads would either not garner any interest in there, or they would fall off the first few pages so fast, they wouldnt be view...

Is there anyone else that agrees here? I want to talk to some mods and see if we could get the ball rollin on this..

There would be:

Music.... (which is all the rap stuff)



Vinnie Paz > your entire music collection.
dude always sayin somethin bout some vinnie paz

but the op seems kinda racist and hateful
I mean...we discuss everything from Macro-economics to funny looking cheetos in General.....why make a separate forum just to cater to your personal musicaltaste?

S&T doesn't have subforums for the NFL, MLB, NCAA etc. and thats an even more valid request.

Maybe its just that no one cares enough to listen to your trashy music that you seem to hold in such high regards.

Other people humbly post their efforts and ask for NT support and comments and they always get it. I guarantee if you posted your track in the music forum, youwould have gotten friendly and relevant replies...but nah. You want to come in here and talk down other people cultures and personal choices.

Kick rocks.
Originally Posted by tmukg21

make a good thread, people will reply

And there are a NUMBER of people in the music forum who listen to a myriad of genres.


He called dude a ' $!@%+%# douchewaffle'

There could be more non-rap interest than people realize. I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't even bother posting non-rap topics because theyrealize they will either get flamed for not having the same views as the majority (ex: this post minus OP's out of line comments) or ignored off the firstpage, and by the time that somebody who is interested in that topic comes to the forum, the post is long gone.

I'm not a huge advocate for the non-rap forum, but I think its a legit idea that should be looked into and not dismissed so quickly.
If people don't reply to your threads in the music forum now why would they all of a sudden do so just because you posted it in a music sub-forum...
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot


Ya'll act like the mods are deciding what is talked about in the music forum.
Nobody is saying that the mods decide what is talked about. However, making more specific forums helps to facilitate more diverse discussions. Ifthat wasn't the case, why not just have one huge forum and let every post topic imaginable fight for the first page, then we will really find out what ismost popular.

jpap348 wrote:
If people don't reply to your threads in the music forum now why would they all of a sudden do so just because you posted it in a music sub-forum...

Here is the logic behind that. Let's say somebody makes a post about Linkin Park and nobody responds for an hour or two and in the mean time, it getspushed to the second page. While I might be interested in a post entitled "Linkin Park's New Single" and I might open it if I see it, but by nomeans do I like Linkin Park enough to search through a couple a pages, just to see if anyone recently posted about them.
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

ItsGettinHot wrote:


Ya'll act like the mods are deciding what is talked about in the music forum.
Nobody is saying that the mods decide what is talked about. However, making more specific forums helps to facilitate more diverse discussions. If
that wasn't the case, why not just have one huge forum and let every post topic imaginable fight for the first page, then we will really find out what is
most popular.

^Terrible, terrible logic in regards to the situation.
As much as I wish there were more people who listened to my type of music here (so i'd have someone to discuss it with), simply making a separate forum forit doesn't mean anyone's going to automatically start liking it.

For one reason or another, hip hop is what dominates this boards music tastes.... the reasons don't really matter, it's just a fact.

So the solution is to deal with it, or go post somewhere that caters more to your musical tastes.
purplehazze96 wrote:
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

ItsGettinHot wrote:


Ya'll act like the mods are deciding what is talked about in the music forum.
Nobody is saying that the mods decide what is talked about. However, making more specific forums helps to facilitate more diverse discussions. If
that wasn't the case, why not just have one huge forum and let every post topic imaginable fight for the first page, then we will really find out what is
most popular.

^Terrible, terrible logic in regards to the situation.

Read between the lines, I wasn't being serious about the one forum. I was just showing that with many forums, you allow a variety of topics to be discussedin detail because they all have there place. If there was one huge forum, the most popular ones would stay on top and the rest would go by the way side.
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