There should be another music forum aside from the "rap" forum...

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by tmukg21

make a good thread, people will reply

no one will reply a "track 12" thread from Mama Mia soundtrack

If you make a post about, say, some acclaimed indie rock album, you might get 5 or 6 responses.

If you make a post about "track 12" from a Gucci Mane CD, you'll get 3 pages of responses with "
" and people posting their favorite lines.
i see, the OP wants quantity of posts as opposed to a quality 10 reply post

(we all do
See, here's the thing... there are people who might be into other genres of music but don't go into the Music Forum because of the imbalance of topics there. I see posts like this from time to time that complain about the Music Forum and how it's all about rap/hip-hop so there are other people that feel this way. I just think that if there were a little more balance, then more people who go to the Music Forum and post there.
This is accurate and I agree 100%. I remember in summer of 07 we had a 3 page thread on the Tiesto Elements of Life Tour. I was shocked it gotso big. This showed me that people do listen to more than just rap/hip hop. The problem is, I have gone to that forum twice since then, and thus would havemissed any EDM topics.
I've made successful alternate threads...Linkin Park

old school Motown music..all different types. You just have to make it properly
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

The music forum is the way it is because the majority of people that use it seem to favor hip-hop/rap...nobody is preventing you from making a thread catered to your taste in music. If it doesn't gather the interest you feel it deserves its simply because no one else is as interested as you are or the people that are viewing the music forum don't share the same taste in music.
It's not that a majority of people favor hip hop/rap, it's because its a part of the sneaker sub-culture. You do have people who are into rock and all other genres, but sneakers have been a major part of early rap/hip hop/urban lifestyle so it only makes sense that a majority of the posts in the forum is about this genre.

Basically you just said what I said, except I did not mention the how sneaker culture and it's correlation. I didn't mean majority ofpeople in general favor hip-hop rather the majority in the music forum on Niketalk does...because of the sneaker sub-culture. If it was otherwise we would seemore threads such as the OP desires...

but his ignorance is why no one seems tor respect his opinion
Hip hop, basketball and shoe culture are synonymous. Heavy metal, not so much kid.

You'd get a better response on a skate forum.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Maybe other genres should step their game up. Don't blame rap and rappers for keeping the music forum interesting.

Rap is NOT keeping it's music interesting.

And I agree with OP sort of. People in the Music forum listen to rock too. But it's just overran with weezy, kanyeezy etc. I don't even go there exceptto check out the Production Thread.
While I don't agree with his way of saying it, I think he has a point.

Back in the day, there was no 'Nike Retro' or 'Other Brands' forums, everything that was non-Jordan ended up in the Nike Forum. Obviouslynon-Nike brands weren't as popular as Nike, so if you made a post about some new Converse shoe, there was a good chance that it would be off the first fewpages within a few hours because Nike products dominated the interest of most members. The demand for a Converse post might be low and only get a few repliesbut that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be included. If you look at the total of Nike, Retro and Jordan forums there are roughly 596,000 posts comparedto the Other Brand which has 21,210. Its no surprise what people really come here for but being open to other interests isn't so bad.
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Think about it if you change Nike Forum to Music Forum and Converse to Non-Rap music, the logic is the same.
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

Damn, n/m... I'll post in another forum.... But, if all your favorite musicians didnt grab their #*%$+ so much, maybe they could pick up an instrument and learn some real music.


PLEASE find some other forum to post in. For good. You seem like one of those "undercover racist" guys who says boarderline stuff, but nevercomes straight forward with what they're saying. You ever think about the majority of NT just might not be interested in the type of music you listen to?! Or just post the #!%# up. Nobody's holding you back.
If there was another one, wouldnt the said members of music forum not go into it, and your thread wouldnt get read either way?
The OP has a point. He is just addressing it completely the wrong way. However, if I recall correctly, a SOAD thread recently got a lot of replies.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

Damn, n/m... I'll post in another forum.... But, if all your favorite musicians didnt grab their #*%$+ so much, maybe they could pick up an instrument and learn some real music.


PLEASE find some other forum to post in. For good. You seem like one of those "undercover racist" guys who says boarderline stuff, but never comes straight forward with what they're saying. You ever think about the majority of NT just might not be interested in the type of music you listen to?! Or just post the #!%# up. Nobody's holding you back.
The majority of NTers are into rap. Does it really make sense to cater to a small percentage of the population here?

If you want to discuss music and don't like the options NT offers then find a forum that caters to your musical taste.

It's like someone from Nike Retro piping up and asking for a Nike Retro forum dedicated specifically to Barkleys when the majority of the population overthere is into Foams.

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

tmukg21 wrote:

make a good thread, people will reply

no one will reply a "track 12" thread from Mama Mia soundtrack
If you make a post about, say, some acclaimed indie rock album, you might get 5 or 6 responses.

If you make a post about "track 12" from a Gucci Mane CD, you'll get 3 pages of responses with "
" and people posting their favorite

If you make a post about a dope indie hip hop album you'll get 5-6 responses. What's your point?

Instead of lobbying for own forum we made an Official Underground thread, like the rock fans did.

Al this is mute anyway, the music forum has been trash for years. The majority of dudes who are heavily into rap/hip hop mostly post on other forums anway.
I could care less, but you guys could kill all the snails in the USwith all the salt being throw around in here.
I hear you, sometimes I would like to have some conversations about any cool latin music
Originally Posted by RockyBalboa25

While I don't agree with his way of saying it, I think he has a point.

Back in the day, there was no 'Nike Retro' or 'Other Brands' forums, everything that was non-Jordan ended up in the Nike Forum. Obviously non-Nike brands weren't as popular as Nike, so if you made a post about some new Converse shoe, there was a good chance that it would be off the first few pages within a few hours because Nike products dominated the interest of most members. The demand for a Converse post might be low and only get a few replies but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be included. If you look at the total of Nike, Retro and Jordan forums there are roughly 596,000 posts compared to the Other Brand which has 21,210. Its no surprise what people really come here for but being open to other interests isn't so bad.
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Think about it if you change Nike Forum to Music Forum and Converse to Non-Rap music, the logic is the same.
I think this is a dead on comparison. Dead on.

Yes, there's a rock thread, but the only thing that goes on there is a large number of posts about what you're listening to at the moment and nothingmore. I'll admit though, thats a damn good thread for discovering good music, new and old.
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