The WWE Network Thread VOL. 9.99

If Rude wouldn't have got hurt, he'd have went down as an all time great..
My Network froze..I have no idea which match we're supposed to be on..Help?
My Network refuses to work right..Sorry guys..I really hope you guys finish the ppv..The Vader vs Sting match is really really good..And the final match for the tag belts is awesome..Both are clean finishes..
Man I'm jealous DC..It's such a great wrestling ppv..Such good in ring stories, stiff ring work, and good solid finishes..

Please tell me your thoughts on it if, and when, you finish it..I give it a solid 8.5/10..
2 man announce teams are always best. One a clear cut heel and the other a clear cut face.
I enjoy non finishing move finishes. Protect those signature moves, they mean more when they get pulled out.
@ Vader talking while Race is trying to cut a promo after the win.
off topic

how i find the network exclusive shows that air this week

the war joint..dolph match etc...
Awesome wrestling in this PPV.  Not gonna lie though, there was just too much tag team for my taste.  Sting Vs. Vader match delivered
.  I think the best tag match was Steamboat/Koloff Vs. Liger/Pillman.  Only reason I have it over Rude/Austin Vs. Rhodes/Windham is because it was more technical.  If Rude/Austin won then that match would've been better.  Overall, I think I'm going 8/10.
Yeah I was kinda worried about it being basically a tag team ppv..But I thought that made it a little different and plus it had great wrestlers in it..

I bet y'all didn't think I'd pick a ppv that Sting lost the world title on..
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