The WWE Network Thread VOL. 9.99

Cool as hell to see a digitally enhanced version of a 1992 WCW PPV.



Fans went crazy for that Liger moonsault.

First match is getting a LOT of time.

Pillman was on fire with that Air Pillman / Series of dropkicks comeback segment......
Ricky and Nikita get the W..

Solid match..You can tell Pillman is still green in this ppv, but you can also see the huge talent and potential..
Backstage with the Steiner Bros..Bischoff is doing the interview..Both brothers are wearing Zubaz and Rick is rocking a fanny pack..Bischoff with the IWGP shout out..
I don't think I even knew Hashimoto ever wrestled in WCW

Funny how WCW recycled through the same 8 Japanese theme songs for anybody from there.

They are some damn liars. They said Hase and Hashimoto were a combined 480 lbs. Yea aight.
Really cool thing about this match is The Freebirds are wrestling as the Faces here..They rarely did that..
I think this around when the Body started going crazy. Or maybe he was always nuts.

Michael Hayes is the racist dude that ticked off Lashley right?
Jesse is dropping subtle racist stuff about the Japanese team..
I noticed that too
Hiro Matsuto from New Japan is on now..

That Big Gold looks beautiful..
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