The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I like D'Angelo. I'm happy everytime I see him on camera. His character on this show is buns though.

Lol bruh ever scene dude has been in this season was like he is trolling LOLOLOL

tbh only reason I still watch the show is because the first 2 seasons were just that good so I got to know how this ends. American horror story has potential to me to he over all better than this show. I've only seen season one though
Season 1 was the best of TWD. If it wasnt for shane, season 2 would be boring *** hell. Nothing but looking for some little girl that cant follow instructions.
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What really irks me is the inconsistency of these zombies' actions. Like they're feverishly trying to break through that fence on some 28 days later tip, AND THEN when the fence finally does give in, they turn back to the step by step wandering *** walkers, as if rick and carl aren't even there. I mean, has the group completely forgotten that the walkers are easily distracted by noise?? Why haven't they used this to their advantage? S4 has been a complete letdown to me. But with their unbelievable ratings, I see them milking this for years to come.
yeah sometimes the zombies have gorilla strength, then other times dudes are pushing them off like flies.
The writers are giving The Governor the "gus" treatment. Build it up for 2 seasons then he gets offed in the final episode. Its almost a complete carbon copy.

Breaking Bad: Gus started off as this guy you knew was bad deep down but he didnt really show how bad he was until the last episode, when he was bout kill Walt and Jessie. The next season is one big cold war where you just knew it was about to pop off. Season finally Walt finally delivers the goods and gives GUS the Harvey Dent Special.

Walking Dead: The Governor started off the same way and as the season went by he started to show how ruthless he is until that final episode when he almost gets the job done at the prison. This season will end with the Governors death.
Most likely, the governor prbly felt that they were questioning him or wanted out. Dont see it going good for those henchmen tho.
What really irks me is the inconsistency of these zombies' actions. Like they're feverishly trying to break through that fence on some 28 days later tip, AND THEN when the fence finally does give in, they turn back to the step by step wandering *** walkers, as if rick and carl aren't even there. I mean, has the group completely forgotten that the walkers are easily distracted by noise?? Why haven't they used this to their advantage? S4 has been a complete letdown to me. But with their unbelievable ratings, I see them milking this for years to come.
yeah sometimes the zombies have gorilla strength, then other times dudes are pushing them off like flies.

Yeah, when the fence went down and Rick was surrounded he was nudging them out of the way without much effort.
every single episode of season 1 was better than this weak *** episode. And I agree glen and maggie have no purpose in the show. S1 Glen was used in the city to go on runs and do cool stuff. S2 Glen and Maggie bang non-stop. S3 and on........useless. Don't know how they are gonna make this show work with the bad actors that are left. Merl and Shane were Oscar winners compared to the rest of this cast. Morgan, who has by far the best scenes from the show, they decide not to give a role to at all. It's weird.
every single episode of season 1 was better than this weak *** episode. And I agree glen and maggie have no purpose in the show. S1 Glen was used in the city to go on runs and do cool stuff. S2 Glen and Maggie bang non-stop. S3 and on........useless. Don't know how they are gonna make this show work with the bad actors that are left. Merl and Shane were Oscar winners compared to the rest of this cast. Morgan, who has by far the best scenes from the show, they decide not to give a role to at all. It's weird.

Man I agree, first season ***** on this season from rick coming out the coma , the cdc, zombies coming on the hill, glen and Rick walking past the zombies then it starts raining, the Mexicans stealing the weapons, etc etc

This season is a joke compared to that
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did i miss how herschel is able to walk without a foot?

why does darryl walk around with a big a** crossbow? probably the most inefficient weapon for killing zombies.
did i miss how herschel is able to walk without a foot?

why does darryl walk around with a big a** crossbow? probably the most inefficient weapon for killing zombies.
herschel has a fake leg

That crossbow IS Darryl. If that makes sense.

Very few ppl would think Darryl is cool without that crossbow.

Dude should be out of arrows by now, but somehow he makes that crossbow effiencient as hell.
where does this ***** keep finding arrows tho?

fam finding new academy's every week :smh:
where does this ***** keep finding arrows tho?

fam finding new academy's every week
darryl has the crossbow of apollo
all in all the show has always been inconsistent when it comes to the zombie lore.  i mean we're supposed to believe that enough zombies to topple a fence are doing this 24/7 over a few rat corpses but when you see the group outside the prison and zombies go by the zombies don't even hardly move a muscle to get 'em?  and for that matter if they had the guns and ammo to murk em all once they broke inside why didn't they just be proactive and father and son them way before this?  they coulda taken daryl and cutty out there weeks ago, gun 'em down and that be the end of it.  it's not like its limitless zombies out in that area, the best part of that prison when they first got there was that the only real zombie troubles were INSIDE the prison, not outside.  ain't nobody was louging outside the prison when the apocalypse happened.  all in all it's in the interest of story telling and i get that.  but they could've thought up a better reason then, 'zombies go hard at fence for rats.  easily distracted by pigs but then go right back to fence.  duurrr,'.
all in all the show has always been inconsistent when it comes to the zombie lore.  i mean we're supposed to believe that enough zombies to topple a fence are doing this 24/7 over a few rat corpses but when you see the group outside the prison and zombies go by the zombies don't even hardly move a muscle to get 'em?  and for that matter if they had the guns and ammo to murk em all once they broke inside why didn't they just be proactive and father and son them way before this?  they coulda taken daryl and cutty out there weeks ago, gun 'em down and that be the end of it.  it's not like its limitless zombies out in that area, the best part of that prison when they first got there was that the only real zombie troubles were INSIDE the prison, not outside.  ain't nobody was louging outside the prison when the apocalypse happened.  all in all it's in the interest of story telling and i get that.  but they could've thought up a better reason then, 'zombies go hard at fence for rats.  easily distracted by pigs but then go right back to fence.  duurrr,'.

Not limitless? Did you not see the show a week ago? Theres about 7500 less than 50 miles away. Gunshots would've made them swarm like that hoard that took over the farm..but worse.
What I don't understand is if they are all initially  infected and become a zombie after dying of natural cause, then how come a bite makes them turn? Does it somehow activate the dormant state of the virus?
maybe walkers have a mutated form of the virus

darryl has the Epirus Bow from Immortals

i wonder if rick is ever gonna get his hand chopped off
Lmao at people complaining and looking for reason on a show about ZOMBIES. jeesh its no pleasing you people
episode was piff until they showed the he is going to be the focal point and I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE GUVANA
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Rumored Script Episode 6 "LIVE BAIT"





The episode fades in on the Woodbury residence. Karen's sequence is cut.

Cut to Gov at campfire. He's attacked by a walker, which is Marineze takes care of.

Gov, Martineze, and Shumpert head back to Woodbury and find it abandoned.

Gov makes a B Line to the torture chamber to find Milton's carcass, but not Andrea's - No flashback.

They burn the town.

Three survivors hijack their car while they destroy woodbury: They are Don, Melody, Laura.

Martineze runs after the car and takes aim. Gov stops him and takes out his pistol.
He aims and kills the driver, Don, instantly and car crashes into a tree.

The two girls get out of the car, petrified. Gov calms them down and starts touching Melody.

Laura, unhappy, punches the Gov in the face.

Martineze puts a gun to her head. Gov threatens to kill them if they don't take them to their group. The girls ablige.

Martineze sits up front with Laura, who drives, SHumpert and Melody sit in the middle, and Gov sits in the back.

The Gov flashes back to beforee the apocalypse up to tend etch of Penny.

He is awoken by Shumpert and they arrive at the camp.

The camp is led by an overweight man named Oswald, and though not disclosed i the lover of Colin, a tall skinny second in command.

CAROL is shown to be part of the camp. Her and Gov make eye contact, but neither recognizes the other.

Oswald is kind and welcomes the there into the camp, tho his attitude shifts when the girls tell him about Don.

The Gov explains and all is good again.

The Gov and crew get to know the camp settlers and tell them about the "evil" prison group, and the monster that is Rick Grimes. During this, Oswald and COlin caress each other, making their relationship obvious. Carol shows sympathy to the Gov, not knowing ehs referring to the rpison group.

During that discussion a false flashback making Rick Grimes from the Gov's perception is shown. Very interesting.

Shadowy figures watch form the nearby wooded area.

The Gov urges the group that they are danger, and that he need their help to do something Oswald objects.

The Camp is overrun by a walker attack. Colin dies. Oswald is bit, but he hides it from an inquisitive Gov.

Distrought by Colin's death, Oswald runs into the forrest.

Oswald is attakce dby the shadowy figures

A scream is heard and the Gov and camp members run.

Oswald is found dead, and a camp woman looks to Gov and asks "Who would do this?"

Gov says "Them"

The camp looks in shock and anger. Carol included.

cut to black
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