The Top Four Things People in Their Twenties Waste Money On

Feb 8, 2009

#1.)  Apartments They Can’t Afford.  A lot of 20-somethings think they DESERVE a nice apartment, even if they just got out of school and don’t make much money. In reality, if you’re 22 years old, you should probably be living in a cramped apartment with a roommate or two.

#2.)  Lunch During the Workweek.  People in their twenties are much less likely to pack a lunch.  And if you spend $15 on lunch five days a week, that’s $3,750 a year.  You can pack your own lunch for a fraction of that.

#3.)  Partying.  If you go out one night a week and spend $75, that’s $3,600 a year.  And a lot of people in their twenties go out WAY more than one night a week.

#4.)  Coffee.  People of ALL ages are guilty of this one.  But people in their 20s are more likely to order expensive drinks like cappuccinos, because they still haven’t learned to tolerate a NORMAL cup of coffee…which you can make for about 15 cents. If you spend $5 at Starbucks five days a week, you’re spending over a thousand dollars a year on coffee.
pretty good list. I'd add smartphones to the list as well. Most people don't need smartphones and definitely don't need $100+/month plans. Brand new tech in general is a waste (although I'm bad about it too). People are gonna look back and say "did I really need a new iphone and ipad every year?", especially when you can wait a couple of months and get it for half off in most caseshttp://
I'm only guilty of the first... My work cooks food for us every day... I buy lunch maybe once a month at work.

Haven't been partying for a few years now.

Don't drink coffee and when I do its free.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

I'm only guilty of the first... My work cooks food for us every day... I buy lunch maybe once a month at work.


Where dey do dat at?

Wish my job would do that.. I would save so much money.
I'll cosign the last 3, when I had a job I packed my lunch or ate chips or something, I drank at home because the smoking section is everywhere, and I never saw the point of paying $4 for a cup of coffee...but I'll be damned if I'm living with 2 total strangers.

Getting roosterblocked on occasion, negotiating room usage and permitted actions, wearing clothes in the house all the time, getting in a fistfight over the last pack of Gushers I bought...*$#$ that once per prospective roommate. If I have my own place, it will be just that. Overall, it's true tho.
eh if I waste money on anything it's going to be the place where I live. As long as I can afford it.

I never want to have a roommate.....ever
My rent is pretty cheap. I pack a lunch every day. I only really go out on the weekends and I've never had a sip of coffee in my life.

Ballin' on a budget over here!
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

#1.)  Apartments They Can’t Afford.  A lot of 20-somethings think they DESERVE a nice apartment, even if they just got out of school and don’t make much money. In reality, if you’re 22 years old, you should probably be living in a cramped apartment with a roommate or two.

#2.)  Lunch During the Workweek.  People in their twenties are much less likely to pack a lunch.  And if you spend $15 on lunch five days a week, that’s $3,750 a year.  You can pack your own lunch for a fraction of that.

#3.)  Partying.  If you go out one night a week and spend $75, that’s $3,600 a year.  And a lot of people in their twenties go out WAY more than one night a week.

#4.)  Coffee.  People of ALL ages are guilty of this one.  But people in their 20s are more likely to order expensive drinks like cappuccinos, because they still haven’t learned to tolerate a NORMAL cup of coffee…which you can make for about 15 cents. If you spend $5 at Starbucks five days a week, you’re spending over a thousand dollars a year on coffee.
pretty good list. I'd add smartphones to the list as well. Most people don't need smartphones and definitely don't need $100+/month plans. Brand new tech in general is a waste (although I'm bad about it too). People are gonna look back and say "did I really need a new iphone and ipad every year?"http://

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

I'm only guilty of the first... My work cooks food for us every day... I buy lunch maybe once a month at work.

Was it free doe? My last job had a gourmet restaurant in it, but it was far from free.
Smartphones are undoubtedly the biggest waste in our society as of right now. All ages. There is no reason why the 7th/8th graders I teach have iPhones. Similarly, there is no reason why my dad (mid 50s) has a the newest Droid. They simply don't need the devices, and for what their uses are, probably only utilize a most 20-30% of the functionality they provide.

I live in a house with 4 roommates (ends up about $500/m with everything included,) don't go out to eat unless my girl/someone else is paying, always been a home body, and I get coffee for free.99.

...Still broke.
Share an apartment with my sis and I don't drink coffee at all. However, I do buy lunch everyday (fresh salad and piece of fruit) for $8 and go out once a week and spend from about $50 to $100 depending on the location
Originally Posted by spizike231

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

I'm only guilty of the first... My work cooks food for us every day... I buy lunch maybe once a month at work.


Where dey do dat at?

Wish my job would do that.. I would save so much money.
I'm an Events Manager in a full service Hilton.  Most full service hotels offer employee meals. 

Always has options for salad - sandwiches (tuna/pbj/cold cuts) - Hot items (chicken/lasagna/pasta/fish etc) and dessert. 
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I know I've spent TONS of money on fast food smh
I was hurt to my heart thinking about how much I spent last year alone. I went out to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner most days. I put a stop to that though this year and decided to start grocery shopping and taking my lunch. Usually eat out on weekends now.
I don't have own place yet but they say rent should only be 25-30 percent of your income. How's that working for the people paying rent on NT or got they own place?
I was guilty of #3 a few years ago but my partying is non-existant at this point 
I wasted a lot of money on clothes that I don't even wear anymore or hardly worn.
Originally Posted by retrospect90

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I know I've spent TONS of money on fast food smh
I was hurt to my heart thinking about how much I spent last year alone. I went out to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner most days. I put a stop to that though this year and decided to start grocery shopping and taking my lunch. Usually eat out on weekends now.
I don't have own place yet but they say rent should only be 25-30 percent of your income. How's that working for the people paying rent on NT or got they own place?
thats a good percentage to stay around. I know too many people who make 50k (before taxes) and live in $1500/month apartments. People want to live that bachelor pad life without paying dues
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

They need to add iPhone's and Macbooks to that list bruh. 
So many of my friends have Macbooks and other Apple products that are entirely impractical. I'll even ask them what they use them for, and it's nothing a basic PC can't do. They've been brainwashed into a fancy machine that cost an arm and a leg more.

As for the list, nobody spends $15/day on lunch. I understand every once in awhile, but not everyday. The coffee thing is definitely true. I have a lot of friends hit Starbucks twice a day.
None of those relate to me. lol

- Sneakers
- Socks
- Fitteds
- Sporting Events
The food thing is so tricky though. It's hard to eat "right" and save money. It's possible, but hard. Not all of us are nutrition experts.
i'm a victim to fast food

edit $15 a day tho for lunch? nah, that's OD. Closest i'll pay is $13 once in a blue moon for a shrimp dinner and I have no shame in my game using coupons.
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