The titanic vol. lost

you got this backwards. its because lack of empathy from the rich, that anytime one of these non helping exploiters gets got, we kinda see humor in it. bootlickers and the holier-than-thou might not be able to make that connection :nerd:

And yet the the “non helping exploiters” probably donate more than you or all of NT combined :lol:

The pocket watching hater mentality against the rich is one of my favorite aspects of Niketalk though.

I couldn’t care less what the rich or poor do with their money, these rich people are dumb in this the same way a broke dude in Chicago is dumb for getting killed while trying to jack a car *shrug*, but let’s see who NT has more empathy for
There's not many people who want to see the bottom of the ocean and that's why there's a lot of jokes. Not many can afford the trip so anyone who's struggled financially in life will have a hard time understanding the desire to spend 250k on a 3 hour tour. You can look at it as a "transportation" tragedy but most are going to look at it differently. I'm not blaming the victims, my first post was condolences to the families, but I won't act like I understand anything about their decisions.

Some people are absolutely fascinated by the Titanic. If money could buy you a trip to see the wreckage in person, and you had money up the *** I could absolutely see why one would wanna make that trip. Again, the real wylin is how bootleg everything was. Add to the fact they were billionaires, you would think you would only do something like that with state of the art equipment.
Some people are absolutely fascinated by the Titanic. If money could buy you a trip to see the wreckage in person, and you had money up the *** I could absolutely see why one would wanna make that trip. Again, the real wylin is how bootleg everything was. Add to the fact they were billionaires, you would think you would only do something like that with state of the art equipment.
Some = not many
And yet the the “non helping exploiters” probably donate more than you or all of NT combined :lol:

The pocket watching hater mentality against the rich is one of my favorite aspects of Niketalk though.

I couldn’t care less what the rich or poor do with their money, these rich people are dumb in this the same way a broke dude in Chicago is dumb for getting killed while trying to jack a car *shrug*, but let’s see who NT has more empathy for
thats very telling. youre a surface thinker and thats ok. if you understand the choke hold in which they way the make their money has affected your/everyone's life, from defense/gov stirring up wars, to big pharma pumping oxy into the country, to social engineering/psyops without going too deep, no amount of "charity" will be adequate.

pocket watching? Hater mentality? nah, just aware of everything.
There's not many people who want to see the bottom of the ocean and that's why there's a lot of jokes. Not many can afford the trip so anyone who's struggled financially in life will have a hard time understanding the desire to spend 250k on a 3 hour tour. You can look at it as a "transportation" tragedy but most are going to look at it differently. I'm not blaming the victims, my first post was condolences to the families, but I won't act like I understand anything about their decisions.

I respect your honesty regarding your point of view.
And yet the the “non helping exploiters” probably donate more than you or all of NT combined :lol:

The pocket watching hater mentality against the rich is one of my favorite aspects of Niketalk though.

I couldn’t care less what the rich or poor do with their money, these rich people are dumb in this the same way a broke dude in Chicago is dumb for getting killed while trying to jack a car *shrug*, but let’s see who NT has more empathy for

I'd say the people who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to the bottom of the ocean in a rickety sardine can are on a much higher level of dumb
People allow the media to tell them who to grieve for and who not to grieve for.

How many people have died over the last month due to a lack of access to adequate health care?

How many have been killed in places like Chicago because of gun violence?

How many died in simple car accidents?

Bur these stories aren’t sexy or sufficiently dramatic or don’t involve people of means, so the media doesn’t cover them…so we don’t pay attention.

But five people die exploring a shipwreck and everyone’s obsessed with it.

…it’s a joke.
And yet the the “non helping exploiters” probably donate more than you or all of NT combined :lol:

The pocket watching hater mentality against the rich is one of my favorite aspects of Niketalk though.

I couldn’t care less what the rich or poor do with their money, these rich people are dumb in this the same way a broke dude in Chicago is dumb for getting killed while trying to jack a car *shrug*, but let’s see who NT has more empathy for
first bolded - ok but u pocket watching still
second bolded- very weirdddd not sure what compels you to say this :lol:

no one has compassion because the majority of people are working 5 days a week inamerica while these ppl go on a pointless exploration mission to see a wack ship on the floor of the ocean
not only that, but the ineptness of the engineering of the submarine which is very apparent to everyone but because rush is a whiteman people trusted him
The pocket watching hater mentality against the rich is one of my favorite aspects of Niketalk though.

This is a case of ******* around and finding out.

It's interesting that folks will not object to these jokes when they're directed at average people who FAFO, but let a rich person prove that money doesn't shield from life-threatening stupidity, and we have to read some whataboutism about empathy.

And we're not even talking about rich amateurs. 3/5 of the crew had enough experience to know what they were getting into.

Their own ego killed them.
People allow the media to tell them who to grieve for and who not to grieve for.

How many people have died over the last month due to a lack of access to adequate health care?

How many have been killed in places like Chicago because of gun violence?

How many died in simple car accidents?

Bur these stories aren’t sexy or sufficiently dramatic or don’t involve people of means, so the media doesn’t cover them…so we don’t pay attention.

But five people die exploring a shipwreck and everyone’s obsessed with it.

…it’s a joke.
On the other side of the coin, the media aims at giving people what they want. Like you've mention, shootings that aren't mass shootings, car accidents, etc. are the 'norm' to alot of people. 5 people getting crushed in a research submarine isn't a normal occurrence. ****, even if they weren't rich and it was scientists who died, it would be all over the news. We can blame to news for showing disrespectful **** or criticize them for getting things wrong, but ultimately they're just trying to get the ratings so in alot of ways they actually try to cater to what we want.
FWIW - We also don't know exactly what Rush told the passengers that may have assuaged their concerns. Considering all he did in the face of regulations, I wouldn't put it past him to lie to them about materials, durability, chance of failure, etc.
FWIW - We also don't know exactly what Rush told the passengers that may have assuaged their concerns. Considering all he did in the face of regulations, I wouldn't put it past him to lie to them about materials, durability, chance of failure, etc.
And here's the kicker: had he survived, the probability of him spending a few years in jail would still be remote. The worst that would've probably happened to him would be bankruptcy followed by him selling his services to some prepper community after laying low for a few years.

But we're supposed to feel sorry for him.
And here's the kicker: had he survived, the probability of him spending a few years in jail would still be remote. The worst that would've probably happened to him would be bankruptcy followed by him selling his services to some prepper community after laying low for a few years.

But we're supposed to feel sorry for him.

I can't even respond to this without fear of merging what's going in this thread with the conversation about appropriate punishments that is going on in the Walgreens shoplifting thread :lol:
On the other side of the coin, the media aims at giving people what they want. Like you've mention, shootings that aren't mass shootings, car accidents, etc. are the 'norm' to alot of people. 5 people getting crushed in a research submarine isn't a normal occurrence. ****, even if they weren't rich and it was scientists who died, it would be all over the news. We can blame to news for showing disrespectful **** or criticize them for getting things wrong, but ultimately they're just trying to get the ratings so in alot of ways they actually try to cater to what we want.
You make some great points.

What come first….the chicken or the egg?

Does the dog wag its tail or versa?

Do the media steer the masses or do the masses steer the media?

It’s an interesting question and I don’t know if there’s a simple answer. I know that a lot of younger people grew up in the age of “Infotainment“ and have never really known anything else.

But back in the old days, before even cable tv was a thing, mainstream news stations were considered a part of the public trust…the idea that they there to service the best interest of the people. They operated at a deficit for a long time before large corporations gobbled them up with a business plan that emphasized profit over journalism.

Is the Titan story interesting, sensational?…No doubt.

It is impactful to society?…not really.

But the latter doesn’t matter anymore.

…which is sad.
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It's all fun and games until disaster. All those dead bodies on Mt. Everest don't seem to deter all the people who are constantly going there, so I think the only difference with this one is there probably won't be another independent company giving Titanic tours anytime soon.
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