the thread about nothing...

Probably belongs in the fools wildin thread but my closest friend went on a manic drug binge and apparently let some shady dudes pick up her bankcard and ID including passcodes for some quick money because she was broke :smh:
Then her bank account was used as a mule to scam an apparent amount of €2500, as well as to drain whatever was left in her bank.
It's damn near impossible to talk any sense into her during a manic phase so I only just heard about it the other day but apparently the feds suspect her of money laundering. She at least did go to the police herself to report what happened and gave a 2 hour interrogation (albeit without a lawyer...), rather than the other way around. Idk if that's gonna stop them from charging her though.

Might be the dumbest case of being down bad fiending for drugs I've ever personally encountered :smh:
She has diagnosed bipolar disorder so I'd assume being in a manic state probably counts as an alleviating factor but from what she told me the other day on the phone, it sounds pretty bad.


wavycrocket wavycrocket frshstunna frshstunna
@B Sox
I wouldn’t get in that water but if they really did clean it up a lil bit shout out to those folks jumping in

All for these type of events showing the city is doing better to the outside world
Probably belongs in the fools wildin thread but my closest friend went on a manic drug binge and apparently let some shady dudes pick up her bankcard and ID including passcodes for some quick money because she was broke :smh:
Then her bank account was used as a mule to scam an apparent amount of €2500, as well as to drain whatever was left in her bank.
It's damn near impossible to talk any sense into her during a manic phase so I only just heard about it the other day but apparently the feds suspect her of money laundering. She at least did go to the police herself to report what happened and gave a 2 hour interrogation (albeit without a lawyer...), rather than the other way around. Idk if that's gonna stop them from charging her though.

Might be the dumbest case of being down bad fiending for drugs I've ever personally encountered :smh:
She has diagnosed bipolar disorder so I'd assume being in a manic state probably counts as an alleviating factor but from what she told me the other day on the phone, it sounds pretty bad.
Also, her phone was seized and according to the scope of the order it sounds like at least some of my communications with her were seized as well.
I only recently got out of a tax/money laundering probe related to accepting $20k in Bitcoin from a shady Russian person for a Telegram username so that's probably not the greatest look :lol:
Or at least I assume I got out of it. Haven't heard anything from them since I sat down for an interview to explain the payment, why Telegram usernames go for x amount etc. And I provided communications and contemporaneous memoranda.
My tax return was being held up during this but a while back I finally got it and it turned out the government owed me €2.9k :lol:

Idk if it's the same way in the US but something really annoying here is that you're never told the status of an investigation at any point, even if it's long been closed.
You can be in the clear for years and these bums still refuse to tell you anything.

Going to stay at her place this weekend to hopefully cheer her back up and reassure her, since her parents are extremely pissed and unsupportive at the moment.
Watch out before

fani willis includes you in the RICO

On a serious note, that dumbass of a judge may have given Thugger a way to get a mistrial due to that ex parte conversation he had with a key witness and prosecutors, without any notification or description of the conversation to the defense.
I think that is the first time I've ever physically seen that word. My mind made it something else at first. :lol:
I don't think that's a white thing. My niece got canned for using her phone at work when it is expected stated that there is no cell phone usage while at work. Somehow she feels she was treated unfairly....
For her, (my opinion), her complaining about something reasonable can be attributed to her [presumed] youth/inexperience. She'll learn as she gets more job experience: "Rules say don't do this; don't do it."
Justin complaining about something reasonable can be attributed to... caucacity.
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