the thread about nothing...

My grandma re married a guy who was older, dude was super chill and a hell of a guy. He was at Normandy and remained the same after too.

All the guys I know my age who are combat vets are a total mess now. They all regret enlisting.

One of them just yesterday showed up to work drunk to drive a dump truck and he’s been drunk all week. It’s a small company, his brothers work there and his parents live down the road and we know them too. It’s to the point where an intervention is in the works with his parents and the owner.

I think the people like your grandpa felt validated after as they should be.

Man you’re so right. I can’t say I’ve ever met someone in real life that served in Iraq or Afghanistan and was anywhere near normal when they got back. Everyone I can think of has major mental problems or substance abuse issues. Or have even taken their lives
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Copa America was dope yesterday in Atlanta. Whole downtown was flooded with folks looking to see Messi in action. Miami is lucky, I’m sure they draw crowds like that every home game to see Messi. Still couldn’t pay me to live there, it’s too hot in Atlanta, Miami gotta be unbearable right now. I’m sweating out my beaters currently.
a mutual homie i met during undergrad is currently on team usa’s breakdance team. Wild thing is she didn’t even start breakin until she got to college and is now in her 30s.

Not really into breakin myself but pretty cool to see someone i loosely know become an Olympian
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