the thread about nothing...

People are a lot ruder these days. Customer service employees are far ruder than the 90s. Makes me not want to do stuff like travel. We have such a low bar nowadays for how people act there’s such a lack of professionalism. Even if the pay sucks, the job sucks, etc I don’t get how people don’t want to do a good job just for their own personal sanity. It’s night and day versus the customer service in Asian countries.
People are a lot ruder these days. Customer service employees are far ruder than the 90s. Makes me not want to do stuff like travel. We have such a low bar nowadays for how people act there’s such a lack of professionalism. Even if the pay sucks, the job sucks, etc I don’t get how people don’t want to do a good job just for their own personal sanity. It’s night and day versus the customer service in Asian countries.
I deal with this aaaaallll the time.
I have... stories. 🤣😬
And I've told my son about some of the calls I've had, how the world works.
And I've always told him that I can't control them: I can only control me.
People are a lot ruder these days. Customer service employees are far ruder than the 90s. Makes me not want to do stuff like travel. We have such a low bar nowadays for how people act there’s such a lack of professionalism. Even if the pay sucks, the job sucks, etc I don’t get how people don’t want to do a good job just for their own personal sanity. It’s night and day versus the customer service in Asian countries.
Personal pride in the work one does every day is definitely as low as it's ever been. I get it, a ton of these jobs suck, you deal with ****** people (external and internal), and the pay is probably trash. But man, don't it feel good to do something correctly? As it should be done? Don't it feel good to help people? I dunno...I definitely lose sight of that goal in my work travels at times as well, so I don't want to judge too harshly. But too many people just don't give a ****.
I never realized an obituary could omit the flaws or poor decisions of a deceased individual.

I accidentally learned the father of a loser I used to count as a friend growing up died within the last few years because I saw it online on the LA Times website.

It actually sugar-coated his dad's poor choice with marrying his worthless mom. The obituary said he had three sons. But the truth is only two sons were his biological ones. The oldest one was his stepson because the sorry wife/mom had him from a previous relationship. The obituary also said he liked to take vacations with his wife. But the truth is that she didn't work, so that means he's the one who had to earn the money to go on those vacations while her sorry butt was a freeloader.

That obituary omitted that his wife was a directionless and worthless based on her having to remarry him for her survival. What's worse is that she constantly went out instead of staying home to drive her two younger sons to and from school. She basically opted to be irresponsible and prioritize her leisure lifestyle instead of being a prototypical housewife. The second loser son had a bad habit of begging for rides from classmates who had a car at that time.

Perhaps he's lucky his obituary omitted the fact he was dumb enough to marry a lazy and inept bum. He lacked the foresight to realize that she would be a bad example to their loser son based on his dependency habits with friends. The sorry son emulated his mom living off his dad because he assumed it was OK to rely on friends for things himself. But his younger brother was actually a good person because he didn't emulate their sorry mom and her leeching habits.
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