the thread about nothing...

started learning/playing chess.

this **** hard af lol. I cant even beat the computer on "normal" mode lol
Chess is a lot of fun but that learning curve is gigantic. Getting better at chess feels very rewarding but the progress comes in small increments.

If you really wanna learn, don’t feel discouraged. Anyone new to chess that isn’t a natural talent would get cooked by a normal difficulty chess bot.

I’d probably be terrible now due to not playing for over 12 years but I occasionally played chess in highschool. Fun game but one mistake can easily cost you the whole match.

One of my cousins has an actual ‘genius’ level intellect with a MENSA IQ score of around 139 or 140 and playing against him is like playing against automated cheating software.

He doesn’t even play chess but absolutely destroyed me any time I got him to play irl chess against me. The matches barely lasted a couple minutes and he was always able to quickly make a perfect reconstruction of every move we made and point out the mistakes.

People at that level seem to have every next 100 moves mapped out in their head. I don’t play Blitz chess (with the short timers) but my cousin would basically make his move as soon as I made my move.

He doesn’t really like chess but I always wondered how far he could’ve gone if he actively played and competed.
Chess is a lot of fun but that learning curve is gigantic. Getting better at chess feels very rewarding but the progress comes in small increments.

If you really wanna learn, don’t feel discouraged. Anyone new to chess that isn’t a natural talent would get cooked by a normal difficulty chess bot.

I’d probably be terrible now due to not playing for over 12 years but I occasionally played chess in highschool. Fun game but one mistake can easily cost you the whole match.

One of my cousins has an actual ‘genius’ level intellect with a MENSA IQ score of around 139 or 140 and playing against him is like playing against automated cheating software.

He doesn’t even play chess but absolutely destroyed me any time I got him to play irl chess against me. The matches barely lasted a couple minutes and he was always able to quickly make a perfect reconstruction of every move we made and point out the mistakes.

People at that level seem to have every next 100 moves mapped out in their head. I don’t play Blitz chess (with the short timers) but my cousin would basically make his move as soon as I made my move.

He doesn’t really like chess but I always wondered how far he could’ve gone if he actively played and competed.
Started playing when I was young. Our math teacher started a club and taught us how to play. He was just a level or two below Grandmaster, which is still very high. He could call the moves and play multiple games even without a board like he knew the pieces in his head.

Only way to get better is by playing and really studying and getting tutored. I consider myself pretty decent, but even I got killed at the tournaments we played in.
I remember in middle school one of the teachers would have bunch of chess boards set up for anyone to play during lunch. I used to get on there and play variant of chess I think called bug house where it was 2 vs 2. All the pieces you took from your opponent you give to your partner to use against their opponent.. I remember those games going hectic sometimes :lol:
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