the thread about nothing...

No way I’d ever want to experience that. Meanwhile for us SoCal heads....
💯 nothing good to experience in the cold. Damnnn how I'd love that 64 degrees right now. I'm not a winter guy, hate the cold weather with a passion. You guys in Cali are so lucky when it comes to weather. Enjoy it.
💯 nothing good to experience in the cold. Damnnn how I'd love that 64 degrees right now. I'm not a winter guy, hate the cold weather with a passion. You guys in Cali are so lucky when it comes to weather. Enjoy it.

We love it here man👍

I give major props to those who can do that super cold weather though, I’m not built for that at all. Soft? Yeah I’ll take that.
We love it here man👍

I give major props to those who can do that super cold weather though, I’m not built for that at all. Soft? Yeah I’ll take that.
I bet you do. Weather makes & breaks any location be it to live/vacation open a business etc... I ain't built for it either. Lived here my entire life just about so I'm used to it but doesn't mean I hate it any less lol. Patiently waiting for Spring & than my fave Summer for that heat & humidity which I love & thrive in. I'm too soft for this cold too haha. I'd rather have it very hot than very cold any day man.

I left 70 degree weather in LA for this 😳😳😳
When you get used to this weather, the temps dont even matter (well, the 0 degrees and below **** does) as much as the wind chill. 7 degrees outside is cold. 7 degrees with wind is disrespectful as **** though.
When you get used to this weather, the temps dont even matter (well, the 0 degrees and below **** does) as much as the wind chill. 7 degrees outside is cold. 7 degrees with wind is disrespectful as **** though.
for me, that's fine. even at -7 to -12 weather is tolerable for me. WindChill around -10 and below though is not. can't even keep my bare hands out for 5 seconds longer before you feel your hands to be freezing in pain.
I was just watching today some videos on youtube regarding some good doughnut shops in NYC. saw this one called Kora's and I believe they just opened up during the pandemic season. haven't tried their doughnuts yet but from what I'm hearing and seeing, they might be good. be interested to know if any NTers have tried them and if they are worth it once I come to NY. I got curious because the doughnuts are not the typical doughnuts that we typically eat and wonder how they taste like.


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