the thread about nothing...

Counting on a thread to be locked. That should delete 3 of my reps. 

you like hitler that much that you want your reps to stay at 420?
Not exxxacttlly


i think i see what you're doing here
I don't see it

the 4 in 420 can easily be changed to an H and 0 can be read as O hence becoming H20...

or you're michael phelps
Its very true, but we're all selfish by nature- theres no way to stop most of it. I see people moving back and forth between their lanes and taking their eyes off the road for 3-5 seconds at a time repeatedly, every morning on the way to work. Its like telling people not to eat, or do makeup while they drive
Well that's just a bad excuse. This isn't a philosophical debate about human nature.. and it's impossible to expect absolute focus and ignoring of every single distraction while driving. Even looking down to change the radio channel is a distraction, but deliberate and intentional distractions like texting or browsing the internet is moronic. And I'd absolutely tell someone not to put on makeup while driving.
I browse NT while I drive too.... not good
And you've talked about driving home drunk too... equally dangerous.
I'm sorry 

I've facetimed while driving before.
me too
nting while driving?
not TANing....
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