the thread about nothing...

Adding to my bucket list

eat a steak that was killed 30 mins ago

i actually ate a chicken that was killed 30 minutes ago in Thailand.

it was so good.

the freshness >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I feel like a boxer - like I took too many hits to the face. I won't accuse the marijuana of making it seem like I had a seizure a few months ago. I forgot how to spell and I was in the spelling bee. Does anyone know about the downfall and pitfalls of the mind?
hadn't had farm fresh meat in what feels like a lifetime. produce though >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

grandmomz used to have a garden in the backyard when I was young...bruh, them meals 

wish I had a time machine
I feel like a boxer - like I took too many hits to the face. I won't accuse the marijuana of making it seem like I had a seizure a few months ago. I forgot how to spell and I was in the spelling bee. Does anyone know about the downfall and pitfalls of the mind?

I had a seizure off the pack a few years back. Woke up on the floor at a party I had JUST got to. Faced a j with one of the girls I rode with on the way up to the townhouse we were going to on the walk to the spot.

Just her and I. About a 1.3 to the face of CP and a little GDP and she didn't want it after it was halfway down.

Only took us 5 min to walk up to the building.

I walk in, dude who owns the place IMMEDIATELY starts yelling WHO BROUGHT THAT **** IN MY HOUSE. I step up like chill fam I don't have any on me, I was outside down the sidewalk. Dude was cool after that.

I go get a drink and start sweating. Like my pores turn into faucets. Some girl who was there sits beside me and starts talking. Wholetime I'm getting sweatier and sweatier. More disoriented. Finally said **** it come outside with me, I need some air.

I apparently only made it 4-6 steps before I blacked out. Woke up in the hallway to people walking over me and the one girl making sure nobody stepped on me.

That day I learned what moderation meant.
wow sleazy so basically it was the weed. I think smoking weed messed me up a little because I refuse to believe I'm psychopathic which is what the doctor says to me
wow sleazy so basically it was the weed. I think smoking weed messed me up a little because I refuse to believe I'm psychopathic which is what the doctor says to me

I'm not going to blame the plant but I will say it probably exacerbated a previously existing condition.

It is not for everyone. I think you said before you're diagnosed schizophrenic? Weed interacts with people with schizophrenia differently than a normal human brain. For some with the condition its a relief, for some it makes their symptoms 20x more intense depending on strain, time of day, mood, etc. Its trial and error really. More research needs to be done, and in time will be.

Hell they're starting to use boomers for therapy and stress relief, and to fight depression and PTSD. Team Tryptonaut :smokin

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