the thread about nothing...

What does "pepper the angus" mean? I used it randomly on Friday but didn't know what I was saying

I was like "I gotta go pepper my angus" for no reason
Angus is the butt of a cow which is also a good piece of meat

U pepper meat

Pepper also sounds like prepare

So pepper the angus is like getting the booty ready
That breakdown 

I played myself


Almost forgot to move my car to the other side of the street... i would've been heated if i got another ticket..
You have no idea how much I hate this. Got home late last night and had to park it in a spot where I had to move it before I came to work. It's so damn annoying. I see they getting you with tickets too? I already learned my lesson with that 

Damn Vegas was WILD!!!!

Girls and even got into a fight at Marquee.. good times...
Sweet. Nice pic, kinda reminds me of flapjacks, but nice nonetheless

Wish I lived in Atlanta, there's a few inches on the ground. If I was there, I'd have the day off 
I believe that's called seasoning... Sodium levels for each item is listed on their website.
Whats wrong? 

You made the claims of excessive salt so I'm wondering if you're saying they salt past the levels of what they should be and what is advertised... Not an invalid question.

They make almost everything from scratch there so of course they're going to salt everything... The only thing I wouldn't think they'd be salting is lettuce.

Their chips are salty to me but most everything else is on par with "well seasoned" food items.

Educate me.  Is your friend who was a cook there in the culinary profession or did he just work at chipotle for a job?

"just work at chipotle for a job"
 I wanted to know bruh.  Don't be talmbout a mans chipotle like that without hard evidence of wrongdoing!

Just saying since they make everything fresh it makes sense that they salt everything... unlike any other "fast food" joints who dont have to salt anything but the fries because all of their burgers and chicken and stuff comes pre-made and packed with sodium already. 
I just go with the premise that all fast food has sodium. Somewhere along the line they have high amounts of something that isn't good for you. It's all bad. Your best option always is to prepare your own food.
I just go with the premise that all fast food has sodium. Somewhere along the line they have high amounts of something that isn't good for you. It's all bad. Your best option always is to prepare your own food.
Use SEA SALT at home! 
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