the thread about nothing...

Nj plates
Everytime I drive past Jersey plates I scream out JERSEY!!!

Morning Tan,
I haven't been able to be awake the past 2 days. I go through these spells where i never fully feel awake. I went to bed at 9 and woke up at 5 for work the past two days and i still can't seem to keep my eyes open. It seems to happen every once in a while for like a week or two. My dad seems to think it could be chronic fatigue. it sucks


People get angry at new gossip threads....just stay out
the thread says Ti and Tiny broke up...if that doesn't interest you...why go in just to say "eff you op you are ruiniing general with your media take out ***"

Enemy could be the weeknds best song and it is not on a project of his

Confused about jam vs jelly vs what do i put on my peanut butter sandwich.

I think i am actually going to go for it this time
Yeah I don't understand how people go into a thread to say how stupid it is (I too, have been guilty of this). Don't like it? Keep it movin'. Jam > Jelly. I've never listened to The Weekend. What am I missing?
That chronic fatigue ain't no joke. I seriously think I could have something similar. Yesterday I was dead tired. I don't get enough sleep and every once in a while I just lose it and feel dead and can only recover by getting good deep sleep for a good amount of time. Not like a couple of days in a row, just a good 7-9 hours of that rim sleep.
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Morning Tan,

I haven't been able to be awake the past 2 days. I go through these spells where i never fully feel awake. I went to bed at 9 and woke up at 5 for work the past two days and i still can't seem to keep my eyes open. It seems to happen every once in a while for like a week or two. My dad seems to think it could be chronic fatigue. it sucks


People get angry at new gossip threads....just stay out :lol: the thread says Ti and Tiny broke up...if that doesn't interest you...why go in just to say "eff you op you are ruiniing general with your media take out ***"

Enemy could be the weeknds best song and it is not on a project of his

Confused about jam vs jelly vs what do i put on my peanut butter sandwich.

I think i am actually going to go for it this time :nerd:
Yeah I don't understand how people go into a thread to say how stupid it is (I too, have been guilty of this). Don't like it? Keep it movin'. Jam > Jelly. I've never listened to The Weekend. What am I missing?

I was a jam > jelly guy then my sister bought preserves....what is this magic? It kinda is jelly...but its sweater....and tasty

Weeknd is cool...drug induced debauchery music. If you are a single man between the ages of 15-40....i don't know how you can't like it honestly. But he sings about drugs/sex/women/relationships...steezy would not approve of how he treats women in his music
Yeah preserves are good. I've only had strawberry preserves.

Maybe I'll give The Weekend an in depth listen. Only heard surface stuff.

I don't know why but I can't fall asleep until after 2am. It's horrible. Even when I just lay there I won't doze off until that time. I hit a wall at work about 11am or so some days. But, I have NT to thank for keeping me up while I work.
Yeah preserves are good. I've only had strawberry preserves.

Maybe I'll give The Weekend an in depth listen. Only heard surface stuff.

I don't know why but I can't fall asleep until after 2am. It's horrible. Even when I just lay there I won't doze off until that time. I hit a wall at work about 11am or so some days. But, I have NT to thank for keeping me up while I work.
That chronic fatigue ain't no joke. I seriously think I could have something similar. Yesterday I was dead tired. I don't get enough sleep and every once in a while I just lose it and feel dead and can only recover by getting good deep sleep for a good amount of time. Not like a couple of days in a row, just a good 7-9 hours of that rim sleep.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is the common name[1] for a group of significantly debilitating medical conditions characterized by persistent fatigue and other specific symptoms that lasts for a minimum of six months in adults (and 3 months in children or adolescents).[2] The fatigue is not due to exertion, not significantly relieved by rest, and is not caused by other medical conditions

Symptoms of CFS include malaise after exertion; unrefreshing sleep, widespread muscle and joint pain, sore throat, headaches of a type not previously experienced, cognitive difficulties, chronic and severe mental and physical exhaustion, and other characteristic symptoms in a previously healthy and active person. Additional symptoms may be reported, including muscle weakness, increased sensitivity to light, sounds and smells, orthostatic intolerance, digestive disturbances, depression, painful and often slightly swollen lymph nodes, cardiac and respiratory problems.[7] It is unclear if these symptoms represent co-morbid conditions or if they are produced by an underlying etiology of CFS.[5] CFS symptoms vary in number, type, and severity from person to person.[8] Quality of life of persons with CFS can be extremely compromised.[9]

Man this is me all over i hate this. When i work out my lymph nodes in my neck swell...ive had a sore throat the past 4 days and im not sick....i literally said this morning to my sister been having strange ups and downs emotionally like all over the place mentally the past few days. I really hope this doesn't last long
Yeah preserves are good. I've only had strawberry preserves.

Maybe I'll give The Weekend an in depth listen. Only heard surface stuff.

I don't know why but I can't fall asleep until after 2am. It's horrible. Even when I just lay there I won't doze off until that time. I hit a wall at work about 11am or so some days. But, I have NT to thank for keeping me up while I work.
I don't want to develop a dependency on that 
I balled yesterday for the first time since August

I sprained my ankle really bad and I felt like yesterday I could finally go

I played well and wasn't even out of shape

I was so happy and surprised
My job put out an email yesterday at 4:30 saying we could dress down today

I leave at 4 every day -_______-
How can I actually budget my money? I know there's some good iOS apps out there probably but how can I actually apply them and use them in my life? I feel like I could truly benefit from them.
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