the thread about nothing...

step one - tell your professor (or teacher) that you read an article that studying with classical music, and then listening to it during an exam helps information retention and retrieval
step two - download a great classical album
step three - record yourself reading all of the necessary information you need, and make them tracks 3-5 on that album
step four - listen to your "music" while you take your final, and ask the professor to please please please email you when the test is graded so that you can see if the experiment worked or not
step five -

** used this method to pass my stats class to get my BA... now I'm a teacher :smokin

*Scratches head* studying to classical music works?
step one - tell your professor (or teacher) that you read an article that studying with classical music, and then listening to it during an exam helps information retention and retrieval
step two - download a great classical album
step three - record yourself reading all of the necessary information you need, and make them tracks 3-5 on that album
step four - listen to your "music" while you take your final, and ask the professor to please please please email you when the test is graded so that you can see if the experiment worked or not
step five -
** used this method to pass my stats class to get my BA... now I'm a teacher
What the hell? What school did you go to? Most exams in university are written in halls were you aren't allowed to have any sort of aid or electronics with you, unless it's like a math course that allows you to have a calculator. Either you're joking or your school must have been really lenient
Severe t storm about to roll through here. If the power gets knocked out I will be highly upset.
step one - tell your professor (or teacher) that you read an article that studying with classical music, and then listening to it during an exam helps information retention and retrieval

step two - download a great classical album

step three - record yourself reading all of the necessary information you need, and make them tracks 3-5 on that album

step four - listen to your "music" while you take your final, and ask the professor to please please please email you when the test is graded so that you can see if the experiment worked or not

step five -

** used this method to pass my stats class to get my BA... now I'm a teacher :smokin

:x What the hell? What school did you go to? Most exams in university are written in halls were you aren't allowed to have any sort of aid or electronics with you, unless it's like a math course that allows you to have a calculator. Either you're joking or your school must have been really lenient :smh:

I was a psych major... I sat with my stats teacher and showed him some research that helped back the idea. I needed an A just to get a C in that class... it was that hard. He was all about it, and wanted to see if it would actually work... keep in mind, this was in 2005
Is tomato juice and tomato soup the same? Some friends and I were arguing about this topic and we almost came to the point of flinging chairs at each other. :lol:
Do eeeet I wish I could have just one day where I could post all day long. 

Actually got a double startin at 6 tomorrow, just gona post every pt encounter and nonnnnnn-stop all day.

IF I don't reach 2,600 posts by the end of tomorrow.....I'll PayPal the person who posts first at 12midnight (tuesday midnight) on this thread, $20 :pimp:
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Is tomato juice and tomato soup the same? Some friends and I were arguing about this topic and we almost came to the point of flinging chairs at each other.
I doubt it 

Why not just look up the ingredients 
I was a psych major... I sat with my stats teacher and showed him some research that helped back the idea. I needed an A just to get a C in that class... it was that hard. He was all about it, and wanted to see if it would actually work... keep in mind, this was in 2005
Damn, that's dope. Professors are pretty nice outside the classroom, especially during their office hours where they will provide you with any help you may need.
I used to feel texting and not talking on the phone spelled doom for a relationship, but how great is it? :lol: Seriously...A guy can just chill for the night with beer and baseball (my current status) and leisurely respond to my girls text as I see fit, without dumb awkward silences when you know you'd rather be paying attention to something else. :pimp:

I guess this realization just hit me. :lol:

THIS. :pimp:

I don't know how to tell my girl I'd rather text than talk though...
O yea, did dude receive the box of nothing yet?
And when's the next page where the prize is selected?
Hope I win the next one cuz I'm feeling generous :pimp:
'99 bred 4s....keep or much?
Is there a thread or section for price checks?

And nah rayray, make another doo doo thread :lol:
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