the thread about nothing...

[COLOR=#red]Can't sleep either, jet lag has demolished my sleeping pattern :smh:

Just came back from Sweden a few hours ago, saucy night 8) [/COLOR]
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you wildin blue, NorCal has a shortage of hot babes. 

Rob we'll go to SJ for your bish and I'll go eat pizza then we'll make SoCal your home, where the bad bishes are.
idk, I'm not really looking at girls up there. I'm usually drunk or sleeping.
Morning Tan

so tired today can't even keep my eyes open. Hope everyone had a good weekend. The columbia mall shooting was way too close for comfort...i have friends that work right across from the mall.
If you care about someone, don't be petty and trip over small BS, and tell them how you feel. My girl and I have been off and on, we broke up about 3 weeks ago but were planning on trying to be together again as of last week. She was driving down to go skiing on friday and I texted her to "stay safe out in these streets" (my stupid corny way of saying drive safe). She texted back and asked if I'd save her if something happened. I didn't respond as I wasn't at my phone since I didn't want her to text me while driving, so she was like "oh...guess not haha. Well then I'll have to haunt you when I die I suppose." She said she had been in sit still traffic for an hr and I texted her a couple more times and didn't hear back so I figured she didn't have a signal in the mountains where she was skiing. I thought of texting to make sure she got there ok but I didn't wanna seem clingy or w/e. As I was on my way out, I briefly thought about how I'd react if she got in an accident, and how devastated I'd be even though she gives me a hard time sometimes.

I didn't hear from her all weekend, again assuming she didn't have a signal. I texted her late last night to see if she was home yet, and that's when she told me that on Friday, about 20 mins after my last text a car was doing 65 mph in her lane going the wrong way. She swerved onto the shoulder at the last second and the car barely swiped her side mirror, and instead hit the car behind her head on with both cars doing 65+. She pulled over and ran back and said she saw blood all over the street. She had a knife in her car and tried to cut one of the driver's seatbelts and pull him out of the car, but she couldn't pull him out as he was too heavy/trapped and the car was catching fire. She had to give up trying to save him and call 911 and watch the car engulfed in flames. The man whom she tried to save didn't make it, and the other driver is in critical condition. :frown: When she left to go home yesterday she said she was too shaken up to drive back, and got a ride from one of the cops. She said there was still blood and twisted metal on the road at the scene of the accident. :smh:

Life's too short and fleeting to sweat the small stuff.
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