the thread about nothing...

I turn 18 the first of Feb. Can't wait! :pimp:
You'll be barely legal then. :evil:
I'm ready. :evil:
went triad mode for a reception. yambs love it
you in chinatown?

that was in chinatown.
how's the cougar doin, you still smashin that?

if not can you forward her my details?
she started working out hardcore. we friends still and cool. wont smash even when she offers. complicates the whole thing.

shes not and will not deal with anyone else for the time being so yea........
just give her my info for when things open never know. Bilbo tryin to branch out, can't keep up with these young guhs anymore...(word to a certain young woman who will be turning 21 and will be loosing a yet to be ascertained number of pounds in order to reach a 119lbs 
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I turn 18 the first of Feb. Can't wait! :pimp:
You'll be barely legal then. :evil:
I'm ready. :evil:


went triad mode for a reception. yambs love it
you in chinatown?

that was in chinatown.
how's the cougar doin, you still smashin that?

if not can you forward her my details?

she started working out hardcore. we friends still and cool. wont smash even when she offers. complicates the whole thing.

shes not and will not deal with anyone else for the time being so yea........
just give her my info for when things open never know. Bilbo tryin to branch out, can't keep up with these young guhs anymore...(word to a certain young woman who will be turning 21 and will be loosing a yet to be ascertained number of pounds in order to reach a 119lbs :nerd: )
Subs? :nerd:

went triad mode for a reception. yambs love it
nice suit. :D

I turn 18 the first of Feb. Can't wait! :pimp:
I'm designated for Marco and me b'day celebration? :wow:
trying to get my friend to hook me up with this chick that was at the reception. a solid 9/10. friend responds with "shes too young for YOU" knowing that i like older women. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
I thought getting laid would be the be all, end all to my depression. **** I was wrong.
If anything it's made it worse.
I just want this to end. I'm tired of being down all the ******g time.

A part of me just wants to pack up and leave. |I
Just leave and go somewhere far away.
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I thought getting laid would be the be all, end all to my depression. **** I was wrong.
If anything it's made it worse.
I just want this to end. I'm tired of being down all the ******g time.

honestly, you gotta suck it up and deal with it. forcing the natural process to change will just end up in you staying in that state.
Nah, i don't have any real plans for my 21st other than chill with friends. Not trying to get drunk or blackout anywhere in some club :lol:
maaan i know how u feel. i got pulled over for looking like a underage driver :smh:

parents dropped me off at the airport and the TSA lady asked them how old I was :stoneface: right in front of me :stoneface:
Then a couple asked me if I was going off to boarding school :lol: THEN another TSA lady asked me if I was 18 yet
with my passport in her hand. :stoneface: just look at the damb birthdate

so the pedos be flocking huh? i feel like i peaked in the aging process for a while unless my facial hair starts greying

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been buying my own liquor since 15. Those regal cheekbones and majestic countenance have served me well. like a timeless and ageless stoic bronze figure I am #teamhansum
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