the thread about nothing...

gmail done goofed...
Man I kno I said I was gonna stay clean after my brother died but lately I been feelin some type of way, going back to my old ways. Blowin sour n poppin Xanax. The feels I feel knowing I'll never see my bro again, never meet his wife or kids, never be a uncle, **** just blows my mind. Not to mention the way I found him dead was some real life trauma, that I self medicate. But when I go to match up on a L wit someone and they do dope right in my face it makes me furious. Like you didn't learn that it kills you after 3 of my squad died from that very same ****.
I hate on these dudes doing H , and feel like their beneath me, at the same time I'm a hypocrit because I'm not completely clean myself. Bud n z's my twist. I'm conflicted.

I need to get out of jersey , and move to Philly because I work out there. ain't nuttin good out here. I do have. Whole support group that cares for da kid, but I for some reason am not willing to accept that lifestyle.

Can't smoke or drink? :stoneface: but that wasn't even my problem to begin with.

I know all about Aa/Na sobriety I've had long periods of sobriety.
I just can't shake this helpless feeling that my bro gone forever.

/end rant
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