the thread about nothing...

Diblasio is the worst b first we get no roads plowed the day/night it snowed n today recycling didn't pass but trash did. Joke man I'm not taking this stuff back from the curb.
Whos really out here buying more than one cell phone case?

this is only half. :nerd:  i'm using the one on the way left.
Guys i was sitting in class and my chair slipped out from under me cuz i fell asleep almost so i saved my self by just letting my chair toll and standing up like thags what i meantto do
Bored as hell in the final 30 mins - 2 hrs I have left at work. And a question popped in my head for the TAN'ers

So two big rigs collided and were totaled outside of my office today, both drivers were OK, and one of them ended up less than 30 feet away from where my truck was parked. Hypothetically, what kind of bread would I be looking at getting if that truck would've totaled my whip?

For reference, KBB value for my whip is around $1,500 in its current condition.
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