the thread about nothing...

sugar mama 
Feeling a bit better today. Still a bit of a zombie but I don't feel like crying all day anymore. Seems like this antidepressant is working.
I really hope you feel better, don't like seeing you go through this man. I really hope they resolve your pulmonary issues.
how yall feel about going to a bar dolo?

i like to stop by the bar after work sometimes. grab a quick jameson on the rocks to take the edge off, shoot the breeze with the bartender and then head home level headed.
When I was 19 I thought never. At 26, I def would enjoy that. It would be more of a sportsbar type scene though. Watch a little sports center or something.
I'd never do that (I'm 19 btw). People would think I have no friends.
hah word. i dont mean like on a friday night when its live, but i see where you're coming from.
When I was 19 I thought never. At 26, I def would enjoy that. It would be more of a sportsbar type scene though. Watch a little sports center or something.
yeah im 25. and that's exactly what i mean. peep some espn, and clear my head.
I don't get the social stigma with doing things alone.

I go to shows alone, except hip-hop shows, I always have someone to go with me for those, but for metal/indie shows I go dolo, but I ALWAYS bump into someone I know there, who 90% of the time are there alone too

It's rare that I don't bump into someone I know but I end up talking with a bunch of people about the bands playing and made some friends at some of the shows, it's good way to meet new people, hell at one of the shows some guy I met was cool with the band and I ended up meeting them after the show because of him.

If you want to try going somewhere alone, then by all means go for it, worst case scenario, you feel awkward about it, but you can always leave, because remember, you're there alone, unless you're super self-conscious you shouldn't feel weird, everyone has an opinion but no one is gonna come up to you and call you weird for doing something alone, if it gets too weird for you, there's no one to tell you "Why are we leaving?" it's entirely up to you, just remove yourself from the situation and go home, you don't have to tell anyone about it, no one saw you, just chalk it up as something that's not for you
gym alone
grocery store alone
target all the time alone....girls flock there
to kill time before a hair cut i grab qdoba alone and just chill and eat

I would like to go to the movies alone to see a scary movie. The more you do it the more used to it you get....not a big deal for me these days...used to care though
Born alone, die alone, no crew to keep my crown or throne
I'm deep by sound alone, caved inside, 1,000 miles from home
What do you dudes do for work?
I'm in....sales....

j/k, I work in public health, disease control specifically
This right here tho....

i had the biggest crush on samantha micelli growing up 
Mine never stopped
Got some less than good news, these past 2 years have sucked.


I hope I get this good news on thurs
I hope so too man, keep ya head up
Beh never loved us
Wow....I mean, just wow.....
Beh never loved us
we never loved him doe.

no love for anyone
Look, you're not getting any angus. Too bad, now go shave.
what did beh do??
I said I was thinking about going ghost. It might happen, but for now I'm not going anywhere.
Beh got banded?
Not at all
What pizza chains do y'all like the most?

Papa Johns is the best for me, they don't skimp on the sauce, dough is good, right amount of cheese and the toppings are always generous, they'd be perfect if they offered the same quality wings as Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut is second, they skimp on sauce, dough is always a bit rough, good cheese and toppings though, they have the best toppings.

Domino's is buns, except the dough, I can't stand it.

Little Ceaser's?

Unless I'm turnt and burnt, don't bring it.
^ none. In Philly I'm good with a place called Pizza Shack/City Pizza all them food chain pizza places are garbage
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