the thread about nothing...

That drawer pic just makes me :smh: at the dip tins. My friend got into that, told him it's horrible. I decided to look at the affects, the pictures I saw are just :x I'm actually glad that at my age I'm not into smoking cigs, tobacco, or drinking. I doubt I'll even get **** faced in my life. |I But I prefer it that way, I'm a health nut! :smokin

Dip is gross, man. I yell at my friend every time he packs a lip. So disgusting. :smh:

I just happened to open that drawer today. Thought it was kind of funny that a toothbrush and toothpaste were surrounded by dip, candy, and alcohol. :lol:
He ever tried to give you a pound right after? My friend tried that **** on me yesterday, I was like,"N_ are you serious?" :smh:
Kelly Rowland in the Dilemma video.....I wanted her to be my girl that summer
My man
Finding out an NT story in real life >>> 
^ When I went back to NTNY in 2011, there was a dude I overheard talking about the Ray Allen PE XIII's. Talked about how easy it was to walk around Boston and cop the pairs. I my mind it sounded familiar. I walk up to him and say "you was that fool they were talking about on NT?" 
. He's like "yeah, it was mad easy to cop". I remembered that thread too because I commented something like "how you gonna take vacation time to cop kicks?". I thought it was lame. Even more so after I met him, but to each his own 
. I thought he worked somewhere else, not NTNY. Vacation time...
 mand that's regular ***** PTO 
This just tied my stoudemire purple suns jersey as my "best $4 jersey bought at a thrift store"
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I might wanna bike your wife tho 

I turned down a trip to Morongo in order to just chill at home. It was my boy's Bday no less. But those dudes are just gonna get carga'd out n I ain't into that. Really think I did the right thing. Especially since no alcohol will be involved. I hate being broke. I need a job. I'm high tho so that's always 
I think I'm gonna start using an alias when I go out. I'm thinking Al K. Hall

If I ever get banned, that's the SN I come back with
I do this sometimes. I usually go with Rich because it puts the idea of me being rich into their heads. Might change it though.
sorry franc, but this big *** burger was calling my name blood
Wow that burger was huge
I think it would beneficial to society to require parenting classes before [young] women and men can be parents.

Too many irresponsible parents out here.

Someone needs to invent some type of certification.
But what would happen when they dont have the certification and have a kid? You have six months to get it or else?

what's the type of finish on this car . I know the color is black but what's it called when a car has tht black ashy color like this infiniti . figured I'd post this in tan
My brother made the same comment today, no lie.
took me a good 3 seconds to see what was going on

thought that was kevin garnett 
I thought the same thing
I went to cold stone about 2 months ago, told the girl I didn't want any toppings, she tells me the total and I pull the "I do want toppings after all". She was so pissed she broke my cone and didn't say sorry or offer to put it in a new one 
I went to cold stone about 2 months ago, told the girl I didn't want any toppings, she tells me the total and I pull the "I do want toppings after all". She was so pissed she broke my cone and didn't say sorry or offer to put it in a new one 
not a fan of coldstone toppings, how hard is it to get fresh strawberries 
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