the thread about nothing...

>admin tag

Anyone see this? Not sure if real or not 

This has to be fake.....

If its real this seems like a really bad idea..... they've already invented that razor lined diaphragm which is extremely effective.... this seems like it would only agitate the aggressor potentially causing more harm to the victim.
How would it put the victim in more danger

If someones already deranged enough to rape someone I feel like this could make them angry and lead to more violence.

Like I said... the razor lined diaphragm is a much more effective tool because it hurts the rapist and buys the victim more time. It also has to be removed by a medical professional leading to the capture and prosecution of the attempted rapist.
Im sorry but it needs to be said

You put this on yourself sweet heart.

If you dont change your ways everyone in your life is going to end up abusing you.
It doesnt sound sweet but it is the truth.
You cant let crappy people into your life and expect them to treat you right.
You put your trust into people that have not earned it
You dont know anyone on this board and you came in here sharing info like we all was cousins.

If you need a online forum family pick a nicer place with women.

If this thread devolves into a bunch of childish cyber-bullying it's getting locked, period.  I don't care if three people are responsible, the regulars of this topic as a whole need to step up and do a better job of preventing this from being a drag on out staff's time and energy. 

We have too many threads to patrol to constantly attend to nonsense in here.  If you see things getting out of hand, report the issues so we can just kick the offenders out.  

If nobody helps, I'm shutting this down.  I'm tired of this. 
i get where you are coming from. to be honest, i don't believe anyone said anything. Rare posted something and it appeared like something shoryu posted on another thread or site. the regulars will make a conscious effort to keep any mentions of her is a negative way away from this thread.
marco23 marco23

This Saturday is gonna be zoppity.

What have you heard about 5 Guys that we should be looking forward to?
Zoppity :lol: I don't understand the old man lingo
People say that the burgers are really good and I want to know how they taste, one of my friends went as far as saying they are the best burgers he ever tasted
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