the thread about nothing...

Anyone see this? Not sure if real or not 
This has to be fake.....

If its real this seems like a really bad idea..... they've already invented that razor lined diaphragm which is extremely effective.... this seems like it would only agitate the aggressor potentially causing more harm to the victim.
How would it put the victim in more danger
If this thread devolves into a bunch of childish cyber-bullying it's getting locked, period.  I don't care if three people are responsible, the regulars of this topic as a whole need to step up and do a better job of preventing this from being a drag on out staff's time and energy. 

We have too many threads to patrol to constantly attend to nonsense in here.  If you see things getting out of hand, report the issues so we can just kick the offenders out.  

If nobody helps, I'm shutting this down.  I'm tired of this. 
Little brother just blew chunks all over my bed, thank goodness for these tempur-pedic bed covers. :lol:

[Nah, I get it.]
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Meth got that skrong lurk game, just when you think it's safe. :nerd: :lol:

damn I'd be down if I had my macbook with me.

NT e-seshes would be dope :wow:

You could just start up a tinychat room and do what it do.

Who that be? Positive words all over his instagram, more insight?

My dude.

Truf :smh:

Ive been coming here for over 10 years and still enjoy it; but the compartmentalization and over-moderation that caters to the increasingly younger user-base is really killing this place.

Thats terrible... And GB II.... Ghostbusters I maybe..... but II ? Just terrible
Time to step up your DB game :lol:
Scary Movies are the best.
You gonna pull an Uncle Pete ?
Mr. Chi City was the best

What on earth ever happened to this guy ?

It was something about youtube tryna control him or something about his content I guess.
currensy currensy Yeah, I saw that video. The way mans pulled out the contract had me laughing od. "You mean, *pulls out contract* THIS CONTRACT THAT I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO PUT IN THE VIDEO?! THIS ONE RIGHT HERE? *laughs and throws at bottom of locker*" :rofl:
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