the thread about nothing...

 I love Katy Perry, even without her makeup in that horrible picture. She seems goofy though 
is there more than one pic of her without makeup on

Lord@beh235, resurrecter of shoes. Are these salvageable, or just chalk these up as hoopin shoes??

This happened to my DMP's

I just wanted to see how they looked and they looked exactly like that

I used dishwasher soap and a toothbrush and all that came off

Tossed the laces in the washing machine

I don't leave them in the box anymore

I'll post pics of how they look when I get home
Dishwasher soap eh? That's a new one. 
Former co worker just came to say high too. She's seasoned yambs. Not proud of this story.....
Former co worker just came to say high too. She's seasoned yambs. Not proud of this story.....:smh:


Sounds like a story that needs to be shared. wanna get it off chest?

Take the skeleton out of the closet?

Air out the dirty laundry?
Former co worker just came to say high too. She's seasoned yambs. Not proud of this story.....

Sounds like a story that needs to be shared. wanna get it off chest?

Take the skeleton out of the closet?

Air out the dirty laundry?
Former co worker just came to say high too. She's seasoned yambs. Not proud of this story.....
pm me the story
Will be travelling with laptop. Story will be shared this evening guaranteed. 
I just heard the swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish...

Look up and somebody rocking a windbreaker....

Nothing wrong with it. Might get a Nike one. 
King Beh! Owning facilities and whatnot...

Probably code for a drug ring, 'public health'...lulz.

King Beh! Owning facilities and whatnot...

Probably code for a drug ring, 'public health'...lulz.

"Arm and hammer and a mason jar, that's my dinner date

Then crack the window in the kitchen, let it ventilate"

- King @beh235

knowing king beh he's probably into designer and exotic drugs...x pills, molly, lsd etc

he might dabble in mandrax and opium, a little ha shi sh for when things get slow.

He probably also has an escort ring to diversify...'behs angels'.

And he keeps a money market account at jpmorgan just in case the feds watching...and he's usually fresh as hell when they come, turtle necks and leather joggers, nothing serious
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