the thread about nothing...

I'm really starting to feel my beard, it makes me look like grover a lil bit 
I'm really starting to feel my beard, it makes me look like grover a lil bit 
Ima look into that jamaican caster oil

my beard be pure struggle when grown out
I feel bad for you man. I can grow a full one in less than 10 days.
I'm really starting to feel my beard, it makes me look like grover a lil bit 
post it on IG, I wanna see it! 

I wish I could grow some facial hair
I did already, green shirt a couple of weeks ago, it's the same. I'm too lazy to take a new one and I don't like showing my face too much 
I'm really starting to feel my beard, it makes me look like grover a lil bit 
post it on IG, I wanna see it! 

I wish I could grow some facial hair
I did already, green shirt a couple of weeks ago, it's the same. I'm too lazy to take a new one and I don't like showing my face too much 
Umma have to look it up, you haven't post anything in awhile.

Hell neither have I 
Rare we got the same birthday, blud :smokin

Happy Birthday to us soon. :pimp:

I've wanted to be Michael Myers for Halloween since I was 13....
you'd be surprised to find out what Michael Myers' mask really was in the original movie :lol:
It's William Shatner as Captain Kirk mask. Spray painted white
Bingo, but I was hoping he'd answer it :lol:
Lol I knew when I was first into the idea, I did so much research. The variety of masks that have evolved over time is crazy. I dig the new mask with all the aged cuts, but the OG one is a classic.
U know u invited ox
no one invites me to these things...

maybe it's because I'm a ghost, I lurk in the shadows but yet i shine as brilliantly as a haunted sun. Lying in wait to rob the day of its play in the steel curtains of the folding moonlight. I am here, but am I really here, does your knowledge of me reveal the truth of me....
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