the thread about nothing...

probably but that aint stopping the birds from flocking
i was on my worst behavior
I'll check it out. Im always down for a new read of any sort

************ never loved grand!!!


bologna lunchable is GOAT btw k bye
No doubt JJ, too much whining and crying...and I'm black if that matters. 
I wanted to say it buy I didn't

You can't say anything towards the black community without being viewer in another light

But I was chillin at my dudes earlier and a group of us was having discussion about how the Hispanic community doesn't care how we're viewed but the black community is always up in arms about it.

Bro, who gives a **** how they view you? You sitting here trying to appease people that don't know you and frankly don't care about you.

with all due respect, and i don't mean to start anything. But why are 'you' always worried about the 'black community'?
No doubt JJ, too much whining and crying...and I'm black if that matters. 

I wanted to say it buy I didn't :lol:

You can't say anything towards the black community without being viewer in another light :rolleyes

But I was chillin at my dudes earlier and a group of us was having discussion about how the Hispanic community doesn't care how we're viewed but the black community is always up in arms about it.

Bro, who gives a **** how they view you? You sitting here trying to appease people that don't know you and frankly don't care about you.


I aint coming at you, but thats a lie.

Y'all aint gonna let people just say and do anything.
with all due respect, and i don't mean to start anything. But why are 'you' always worried about the 'black community'?

None taken.

Those are the threads that always pop up on NT.

Notice how there's never white, Asian, Hispanic threads on NT....
maybe theres a reason thres never a white, asian or hispanic thread?

and that reason is why there's always an african american thread?
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I aint coming at you, but thats a lie.

Y'all aint gonna let people just say and do anything.

In what sense?

If someone called me a ****** / **** / etc to my face, then no of course not.

I'm speaking from a media / general perception point of view.

Man I live in Texas, I've seen the Hispanic community get up in arms over stuff.

But this is about to turn into a whole nother conversation, we all cool, this is TAN, **** dat.
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Play some sonic 2, it will heal your sickness

Not a bad idea haha. I used to play some sonic game real heavy a while back. It was like sonic, tails, and knuckles on the gameboy advanced. Not very specific but it was :smokin !
My man :nthat:

Heyy TAN doodz

Enjoying some coco pebbles right now and gonna hang out with some friends later

What do you and your friends do when you hang out? Just curious...

...just wanna see if your friends are cooler than mine |I..
Just hang out at his house and probably will go skate later, nothing special

If you have to ask if your friends are cool then they probably aren't :lol:
No disrespect tho
Play some sonic 2, it will heal your sickness

Not a bad idea haha. I used to play some sonic game real heavy a while back. It was like sonic, tails, and knuckles on the gameboy advanced. Not very specific but it was :smokin !
My man :nthat:

Heyy TAN doodz

Enjoying some coco pebbles right now and gonna hang out with some friends later

What do you and your friends do when you hang out? Just curious...

...just wanna see if your friends are cooler than mine |I..
Just hang out at his house and probably will go skate later, nothing special

If you have to ask if your friends are cool then they probably aren't :lol:
No disrespect tho

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