the thread about nothing...

damn they got my boy franc...
can't keep me down b


i appreciate your concern.

oh snap!!!!
I've never had an actual relationship with a girl the same exact age as me. Younger women.:evil:

They didnt stop making edit buttons when they made yours.
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I've been spending too much money
Hopefully I can have enough to eat in November

People want to go here and there and do this and that, but my funds not keeping up. I'm spending like I'm still working my jobs. I think I'm not going to eat much the rest of this month to make up for it.

Also, I have to go hiking/camping with my Korean group members and I'm scared as hell because it's basically hazing/initiation, hopefully they won't get too wild with us foreigners
i will support a fellow tanners thread....

unlike some people
you're welcome 

Younger chicks<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

sometimes hearing them just makes me want to slap them, but there are exceptions to the rule.

her ringtone was annoying, i forgot who the rapper was but she couldn't find it in her luggage size purse.

i gotta strike a convo for sure and mold her to my liking 

Just for the record that chick was actually fine.

Still doesnt justify doe....
I mean, you aint trying to do nothing but one thing, doe. Just invite her over to
(thats probably why shes looking at you, she wants a smoking buddy) and chill and do what it do.

PROTIP: They're all sloots until proven otherwise. Never go in with the mindset, "Imma wife her.."
i don't smoke and i'm not looking to wife up so i'll try to reel her in for a fun night at chuck E's then slip some jack daniel's into her kid's size coke 
seriously 4 years isnt **** lol

unless your 17 going out with a 13 year old
it may be 5 years 


i just think it's weird bc her agr ends with teen, i've always had better luck with younger babes but no more than 2 1/2 years younger than me.

They were playing music? 

I forgot about that thread. Apparently I posted there 
. I love watching people get exposed. Too bad I missed it.

Anything + NT = 

Damn indecision and foolish pride

It took me a long time to realize that rejection is part of being the guy and that's just the odds. Doesn't apply to me at the moment though.

I would have just turned my back and walked away.

Strike up a conversation.

Thadocta got wacked...again?...He'll be back 

I hope fran ain't get whacked man 
Yeah playing that **** way too you get the smiley like that?

Right click and steal 
I've never had an actual relationship with a guy the same exact age as me. Older men.
beh bout that suga daddy lifestyle! Givin these young guhs some fruity mixed drinks, making em put their guard down..."sit here on this velvet couch babee let Big Beh be that real ***** in yo life". 

As some Freddie Jackson plays in the background...I see you beh!
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