the thread about nothing...

swole like water
You know it
@ everyone suggesting one that leads to yambs.

Yambs are guaranteed tonight, GF always craves it

But right now, I'm leaning towards Friends With Benefit or Hitch.

Some of the ones listed we've watched together already...She just mentioned, "something cute".
Am I allowed to sue my school for not allowing bottled water during class?

I need to stay hydrated throughout the day, but they won't allow me to go to the bubbler every class. 

I also don't like the bubbler anyways. I prefer it straight from the bottle.

My piss was yellow before practice, I almost had a heart attack. 
:rofl: :rofl: @ everyone suggesting one that leads to yambs.

Yambs are guaranteed tonight, GF always craves it :evil: .

But right now, I'm leaning towards Friends With Benefit or Hitch.

Some of the ones listed we've watched together already...She just mentioned, "something cute".


Trust me. There's only been a couple of movies we've actually finished without having to stop midway after getting "distracted".
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shoefreakbaby is a fickle creature! Mercurial and untameable. Like the waters of the Zambezi,  she teams with life, but many a great man has met his demise trying to tame her waters. A gaze into her eyes will entrap you, the blanketing warmth of her voice will enwrap you...beware, beware! Protect your heart, don't walk to close to her waters, a slip on her shores will send you tumbling into a deep mire that you will not be able to claw out of even with the help o the river gods!

She surrounds herself with cats because cats can not be won over by her wiles, they are souless and  fickle beasts as well. She finds comfort in such beast because they are the only life she cannot destroy. A bitter fate she has been cursed with, an earthen beauty so profound, but yet unable to share her beauty with mere mortals. They say her mountainous glutes produce a dew that the gods sip on, the nectar that pours from her jugs makes even the bumblebees wild with crazy rapture!

Beware my friend, beware!


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