the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by sixthr33

for some reason rice boy is the cause of me developing an obsession for that Ariana chic...

He needs to have his privileges taken away again. 
Maybe they are still being transferred over?

Hopefully or else I have to pick a new number for my box about nothing :lol:
WHOA WHOA WHOA stop the pressess! This thread was the one sanctuary of NT, now damn near half the posts are gone??!?!?!?!? W T F! Nah son, we can't stand for this. This is the first major injustice on the new NT layout. Something has to be done about this /img/vbsmilies/smilies/mad.gif  (and I hate this emoticon!!).  On another note, that multi quote function is  (good looks on saving emoticons fam!)
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 if u reply to a quoted reply the site only takes the last quote

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Wowzers.....I was looking for this thread once the site came back up and we lost 400+ pages?!? /img/vbsmilies/smilies/eek.gif
Most of us never leave General, Music, or S&T.
I think that's why some people aren't pleased with the new layout because they don't care about sneakers and preferred just a basic one like that was on yuku.

I set my bookmark to the forums section and collapsed everything except for The Lounge, looks pretty clean. Gotta set up my avy and sig when I get home. :pimp:
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