the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Stayed in all the sports I quit and joined soccer in HS
Worked harder in school.

Worried less about shoes, clothes and boys and worried less about what people thought of me.

Too much to name

Why do so many people past HS say they wish they worked harder in school?

Did you guys just not do anything at all? What did you even do when you were in school... I mean I know I could have worked harder my previous years, but I don't regret anything at all.

Just in general I could have done better I didnt chalenge myself. 
I made B's   when I could have made A's
Should have took more AP classes

I didnt join clubs because of laziness

Did your high school experience really affect the rest of your life though? (Not implying anything, I'm asking).

For example, my grades junior year closed some doors in terms of colleges.
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

i want to go to this soo bad!

based on the video this looks amazing
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by scshift

Why do so many people past HS say they wish they worked harder in school?

Did you guys just not do anything at all? What did you even do when you were in school... I mean I know I could have worked harder my previous years, but I don't regret anything at all.

Just in general I could have done better I didnt chalenge myself. 
I made B's   when I could have made A's
Should have took more AP classes

I didnt join clubs because of laziness

Did your high school experience really affect the rest of your life though? (Not implying anything, I'm asking).

For example, my grades junior year closed some doors in terms of colleges.
Yes and no 
I always knew I was going to a community college first then transfer because of the money I would save, so it didnt hurt me there.

But I believe I started bad studying habits in HS that followed me into college, in college made nothing but B's I should have made A's once again.

Im hoping grad school will be different.

But I believe you can be a total slacker in HS and then go to college and be a knockout, I see it all the time.
just finished Uncharted 3
best series so far, this and the Gears franchise
the final chapter was

i recommend playing this if you like good graphics, great storyline, and if you have a ps3
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

But I believe you can be a total slacker in HS and then go to college and be a knockout, I see it all the time.

That might be true, but if you slack off in HS, I wouldn't expect to get into the best colleges. Unless you've got something else going for you, like a business, or a story, or anything besides just not wanting to do the work, most schools won't even give you a chance.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

But I believe you can be a total slacker in HS and then go to college and be a knockout, I see it all the time.

That might be true, but if you slack off in HS, I wouldn't expect to get into the best colleges. Unless you've got something else going for you, like a business, or a story, or anything besides just not wanting to do the work, most schools won't even give you a chance.

At this point in time school is school. 
The dude who went to UF law is making the same amount as someone who went to stanford law 
Im going to boston/new york/ connecticut this week homies. It will be my first time flying on my own. I feel like crapping my pants already. Wheres some spots that I should hit for sure in NY?
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Im going to boston/new york/ connecticut this week homies. It will be my first time flying on my own. I feel like crapping my pants already. Wheres some spots that I should hit for sure in NY?
why on your own?
also, where are you staying and do you mind VNDS true blues? 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

But I believe you can be a total slacker in HS and then go to college and be a knockout, I see it all the time.

That might be true, but if you slack off in HS, I wouldn't expect to get into the best colleges. Unless you've got something else going for you, like a business, or a story, or anything besides just not wanting to do the work, most schools won't even give you a chance.

At this point in time school is school. 
The dude who went to UF law is making the same amount as someone who went to stanford law 
IDK about that man.  I've had friends with parents in powerful positions that have told me that once they get an application in front of them, they jump straight to the school history page.
If they don't respect the school you attended, they won't even look at your resume.
Obviously it's not like this everywhere, but most of the time, when it comes to universities, you get what you pay for.
it's not about what school you go to. it's who you know.

you can get well connected anywhere...but obviously it's easier at a big time school. some people squander the opportunity though. they don't join clubs/do extracurricular activities. they don't make friends. they don't talk to anybody.. of course you're probably not going to get a job out of school if you operate that way...
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Im going to boston/new york/ connecticut this week homies. It will be my first time flying on my own. I feel like crapping my pants already. Wheres some spots that I should hit for sure in NY?
why on your own?
also, where are you staying and do you mind VNDS true blues? 

im visiting a friend out there. im staying in connecticut but ill be all around during the week. If you let me stay the night, Ill take those true blues off your hands 
Originally Posted by ceemcee

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by scshift

That might be true, but if you slack off in HS, I wouldn't expect to get into the best colleges. Unless you've got something else going for you, like a business, or a story, or anything besides just not wanting to do the work, most schools won't even give you a chance.

At this point in time school is school. 
The dude who went to UF law is making the same amount as someone who went to stanford law 
IDK about that man.  I've had friends with parents in powerful positions that have told me that once they get an application in front of them, they jump straight to the school history page.
If they don't respect the school you attended, they won't even look at your resume.
Obviously it's not like this everywhere, but most of the time, when it comes to universities, you get what you pay for.
I agree with that.
Its also about networking , for noncompetitive jobs I dont think its a deal breaker that you didn't go to Harvard
Originally Posted by Wesley813

I popped 2 hydrocodone and feel nothing
let them dissolve in your mouth next time

ErickM713, get your hands on some molly if possible. you will see and feel every sound wave, I promise.

guise who dis?

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Put em up

Old man why are you always so mad or salty in your post?

....funny. one would think, as much as you keep me in your mouth the only one tasting salt would be you.

wait wut?

ive never ever addressed you in any threads...but you come across as salty, you to old for that %*$% man. knock it off. enjoy life.
at my self for deciding to click this page on my phone. I see a $#%* ton of hour glasses and white squares. My phone isnt auto correcting, it rang for no Damn reason. My phones all *$#@@$ up now lmao
This weekend sucked.  Me and friends are doing no fap March.  So i am 12 days strong of nothing (teamsingle)
Why do you come over my house at 1am......we stay up til 5am.....make out.....then you back off talking about oh you have a bf....ummm then *%$% of my house.  

Spoiler [+]
she spent the night and we cuddled i hate myself and women
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