the thread about nothing...

Mad Men's biggest problem is it doesn't have violence, action, or a routine threat of death. That isn't even a problem for the show itself, it's just a problem when audiences are used to Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc., type shows that deliver more action or true suspense.

It's one of the best written shows on television, point blank. It's able to combine slow burning dramatic storylines, immediate character and audience satisfaction when they explore the business aspect of the show, the women and Don's exploits brings a very entertainment element, and it's hysterical at times. It rewards a patient audience that can appreciate developing themes, characterization, and story over multiple episodes or an entire season. You're not going to get a surprise twist or shocking moment in every episode, but that isn't a flaw.. it's great without needing that. It's well acted, Jon Hamm, Elizabeth Moss, John Slattery, are all tremendous. The sets, wardrobe, music, etc., all combine to truly create a different world of the 1960s. It's worth mentioning because it's not as easy as just putting them 2011 and calling it day, all of the details come across in a big way when watching.

Thematically, it's arguably the best show since The Wire on TV. From it's setting in the 60s, it can explore numerous areas that might go unnoticed by other shows. Sexism, the developing feminist movements, women in the workplace, etc. It shows the "American Dream" and the inherent flaws of that and the new changes that was brought by the 60s. The traditional and conservative beliefs being challenged by the emerging counterculture. One of the biggest themes in the show is that of identity. "Who is Don Draper?" isn't just a tagline for the show, but it's a real question that is continually asked and answered. From that the show addresses how one creates their identity and the individual's own control over it, the choices we have in how we present ourselves to the world. Through Don and the other characters you're given numerous interpretations and views of successful careers, family, friendship, self-identity, etc.

And recently, the best part of the show is it's gotten better. This past season has been one of the best, if not the best. The writers and actors are absolutely on fire and their confidence really comes through in the show. There's no laziness or disinterest by anyone involved, they're on top of their game and it's almost unfair how easy they make it look.
So nobody knows the name of that beard style? I've been literally searching for months
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by Mister916

Just show him the pic.

This, then whisper sweet nothings in his ear, with a heated whisper.
My OG plan was to show him the pic, but i wanted to know if there was a name for that style.

....and for the whispering part, id rather do it to the female Cuban receptionist
What's up with people and bath salts?

Anyone rock Levis 501 STF? I bought a couple but have never actually tried the whole process where you wear them first and then soak em. Anyone wanna help me out with a guide or a full step by step process.
Originally Posted by kix28

Anyone rock Levis 501 STF? I bought a couple but have never actually tried the whole process where you wear them first and then soak em. Anyone wanna help me out with a guide or a full step by step process.

501's are cool but you should look into 514's. They are slim straight style and you can buy them a little big or small depending on how you like to wear your jeans while still having a generally fitted look. They have a lot more stains and imo look way better than 501's.  
Albooboo- yeah I checked em out 514. I tried two sizes one size looked too tight on me and the size above it is too big. That's why I'm trying to see how the whole stf process is done so I can try to get the perfect fit for me but thanks for the help. Much appreciated.
Switched it up and wore the Free Runs instead of the Kobe's today to the gym.

I forgot how long I've had these damn shoes but they had me sliding everywhere, no more grip whatsoever.
So a chick I was seeing just broke it off with me out of the blue. Like literally in mid-sentence.

Then hit me with "I hope we an be friends!" ehhhhhh....No.

I would say it feels bad but I have other things to worry about and too much going on to care that much.

You guys care.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Mad Men's biggest problem is it doesn't have violence, action, or a routine threat of death. That isn't even a problem for the show itself, it's just a problem when audiences are used to Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc., type shows that deliver more action or true suspense.
I'm a huge fan of GoT as well.
I'm totally ok with Mad Men not being very action packed. The characters and plot completely makes up for it.
singing Why don't you give me the world..just give me what you can't give back...

this song is deep as @+%@..or maybe im just thinking too much into it

Sometimes I wish I was a teen during the Harlem Renaissance, the late 80's, and early 90's

It just seems like people were way cooler during those time periods than today
All I have been focused on is the air yeezy II and if i will get them...the only thread I visited all week is the air yeezy 2 thread in the nike section smh... I just want a pair...
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