the thread about nothing...

They're giving away cake at work. I go and get a regular sized piece(which was pretty small), the chick serving the cake gave me the
and cut me a corner piece.

I dont know how I feel about that..
why does she have to serve? grown folks should know how to get a slice

sup franc
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They're giving away cake at work. I go and get a regular sized piece(which was pretty small), the chick serving the cake gave me the :stoneface: and cut me a corner piece.

I dont know how I feel about that..

Everytime we get cake at work. I barely ever get a piece. They just leave it out n you can go get it.. But..I only get it of I'm one of the first. Ppl mess it all up. Fingers in the frostin. Frosting all over the table :smh: .
Looks like 4 year olds did it.
They're giving away cake at work. I go and get a regular sized piece(which was pretty small), the chick serving the cake gave me the :stoneface: and cut me a corner piece.

I dont know how I feel about that..

Everytime we get cake at work. I barely ever get a piece. They just leave it out n you can go get it.. But..I only get it of I'm one of the first. Ppl mess it all up. Fingers in the frostin. Frosting all over the table :smh: .
Looks like 4 year olds did it.

:lol: :smh: on point

People be on that savage life like they never had food before :smh:

I don't even get up anymore and have one of the females bring me a piece :smh:
They're giving away cake at work. I go and get a regular sized piece(which was pretty small), the chick serving the cake gave me the
and cut me a corner piece.

I dont know how I feel about that..
why does she have to serve? grown folks should know how to get a slice
cuz yall women try to control every*******thing, that's why- always goes down like that here too. Hopefully you don't get like that when you get older- although, you did try to control the hell outta that 100,000th post
most women do try to control things. I know what a control freak is, I don't believe i'm one lol. (except when it comes to myself)

that 100000 post was all in fun.
They're giving away cake at work. I go and get a regular sized piece(which was pretty small), the chick serving the cake gave me the
and cut me a corner piece.

I dont know how I feel about that..
Everytime we get cake at work. I barely ever get a piece. They just leave it out n you can go get it.. But..I only get it of I'm one of the first. Ppl mess it all up. Fingers in the frostin. Frosting all over the table
Looks like 4 year olds did it.
sounds gross and uncivilized 

They're giving away cake at work. I go and get a regular sized piece(which was pretty small), the chick serving the cake gave me the
and cut me a corner piece.

I dont know how I feel about that..
why does she have to serve? grown folks should know how to get a slice
cuz yall women try to control every*******thing, that's why- always goes down like that here too. Hopefully you don't get like that when you get older- although, you did try to control the hell outta that 100,000th post
most women do try to control things. I know what a control freak is, I don't believe i'm one lol. (except when it comes to myself)

that 100000 post was all in fun.

i see what you did there.
where can I get this? My bday is next week, I'm going to see them play, but I cant find it anywhere

that coat clean as f*** if u have a leather store like Wilsons where u stay u can check there. where im from leather stores like georgios have ish like this too
[COLOR=#red]Just about to eat lunch and saw this. [/COLOR]


[COLOR=#red]And then this...[/COLOR]


[COLOR=#red]And gave it one of these...[/COLOR]


[COLOR=#red]Have a good lunch NT. Have a good lunch.[/COLOR]
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Originally Posted by solarius49  

where can I get this? My bday is next week, I'm going to see them play, but I cant find it anywhere


that coat clean as f*** if u have a leather store like Wilsons where u stay u can check there. where im from leather stores like georgios have ish like this too
that chain looks clean. is it versace?
So cal tan fam ill be in Fullerton at this bar called heroes tonight for my early bday
thadocta I know you wanted to come so come down
G'luck getting that child into a bar. Next week tho, I'll be in town tho 

She did just tell me she got a boob job tho
you know what to do 
I'll see what I can do
I think i will make this a goal of mine before nexting her. She is ******g bat **** off her rocker crazy
i'd figured you hung up by now 
I ended up just hanging up on her midsentence and texting her I accidentally hung up on her and now I'm going to bed 

this broad is crazy
how do I hang up on a broad without being rude? 

plz respond
Tell her ur papi aka me is calling anf then tell her to marinate her angus because its going to be destroyed soon
Seriously.... is this supposed to be funny? 

And rck, you don't know how to get off the phone? Either you do and you want the attention or you seriously can't say the words "Great talking to you, but it's late and I need to sleep"

Damn I didn't even think of that..... but she seriously wouldn't stop talking, there was no opportune moment for me to stop her and say dueces 

see now I know you're just giving me some light hearted ribbing!! (or maybe not) but either way

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They're giving away cake at work. I go and get a regular sized piece(which was pretty small), the chick serving the cake gave me the
and cut me a corner piece.

I dont know how I feel about that..
women are ****** stingy with sweets- they passed out these cake bites earlier and didn't even offer me one (and each woman got 3). Its all relative though, for them, its sweets. If it was us guys, and somebody brought a van full of yambz for everybody, best believe i'd be trying to hog my fair share and then some
QFT. The first question my girl asks me when I come home is if I got her candy. Did you get me a BJ?

They're giving away cake at work. I go and get a regular sized piece(which was pretty small), the chick serving the cake gave me the
and cut me a corner piece.

I dont know how I feel about that..
Everytime we get cake at work. I barely ever get a piece. They just leave it out n you can go get it.. But..I only get it of I'm one of the first. Ppl mess it all up. Fingers in the frostin. Frosting all over the table
Looks like 4 year olds did it.
on point

People be on that savage life like they never had food before

I don't even get up anymore and have one of the females bring me a piece
THIS. People act like they never had cake before. It barely last a 1 hour in our break room
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