the thread about nothing...

I don't get how anyone can have NO @#$. If you're naturally defective like that, is a few months of squats in the gym really too much to ask for?

I'm not saying every girl should be Vida Guerra, but damn, at least have SOMETHING. Even a flat @#$>>>>>>>>>concave booty :lol:
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he's lying grandtheft, he got that from someones blog

keep ya mouth close b
come at me, you trying to lure him with your plagiarism 
he's lying grandtheft, he got that from someones blog
its too late baby girl

let the girl live, it aint always about the bootie

***** bae.

Its always about the cheeks
nothing a few squats can't save
let the girl live, it aint always about the bootie
Well Well Well....

Looks like we found out who's in the pic guys
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dammit elpablo, you got it before i could edit that out. 

I couldn't help it, but i take it back

didn't mean to call her *** negative, nowitzness is right, people are born diff. 
1st off why did so many ppl rep this dude for this story? :smh:
So I live in PG, MD where its mostly blacks.
Im Asian so over here, im the minority. Now I was born in PG and grew up here and my whole life my best friends were black and hispanic.
So I know that im not a racist but damn it theres so many ignorant people here to the point where I just wanna smack every single one.

My whole life growing up I been constantly insulted and made fun of for being "chinese" (which im not. Im Korean)
Its literally to the point where I never experience a week without a racial insult/stereotype... literally.
Esp. back when I was in middle school and high school these racial jokes would NOT STOP.

My most CLEAREST memory was when I was in middle school of when it started.
So this black girl tries to answer a question and gets it wrong.
So I just raise my hand and answer it.
Here's the dialogue:

Teacher: Was Lincoln an abolitionist and why or why not.

(I know.. the irony of talking about Lincoln but I swear im not joking)

Her: Yes, because he fought for the freedom of slaves.

Me: *Raises Hand* No, he wasn't. He just didnt want slavery to expand and he had no other option for the South if he abolished slavery.
(Im not sounding like a smart ***. The reason why I know this is because the teacher JUST explained it the other day.)

Her: Are you ******ed? I thought Chinese people were suppose to be smart? *In a ratchet voice*

*Everyone laughs*


Anyways, thats just 1 in a MILLION insults and stereotypes I have encountered.

So now im in College and im a "food runner" at a local place. Not the waiter but just the person who brings the food.
So like I said, it's mostly blacks here (which i have to problems with) but yall know.... Ratchet city down here basically and excuse me saying that but theres no other way to describe it.

So the waiter gets an order wrong to 3 black (fat. excuse me saying that. I have no problems with overweight people) ladies which means I bring them the wrong food.
As im putting their food on the table and walk away with "enjoy your meal"

they quickly call me back yelling saying

"WTF is this? I didn't order this."

Me: Oh im sorry. I'll quickly bring out the meal you ordered

Her: *In a rude and ratchet voice* Well maybe if you were a stupid ******g Chinese you wold get my order right next time

*They all laugh*

At this point im done... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with these ignorant people. I refuse to be insulted by a bunch of stupid people cause either:

1. Their parents didnt raise them right


2. Our education system failed them (I think its both reasons, though)

So I lose my mind and yell at them:

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU WERENT A ******G (Insert N' word.... eding in the "-er) YOU WOULD KNOW ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU (insert F' word ending in -ing) FAT (Insert B' word). SOMEONE DOESNT NEED TO STUDY PHRENOLOGY TO SEE THAT A LITTLE (Insert N word ending in -er) LIKE YOU IS NATURALLY STUPID"

|I Of course I didn't mean nor believe in what I said but i just lost it.....
I know im not a racist but I guess i just really wanted to insult them...

The story ends with me getting fired and yelled at, etc. No need to explain that...

But damn.... Anyone ever felt like this? The point where you can only fight racism with racism?

I know it wont solve anything but... i dont know... its hard to explain. I guess I just had enough.

Im in no way proud of myself saying that because like I said, my closest friends back in HS were all black and hispanics.

What happened to elementary school? When race wasnt even an issue (to me at least) Back when we were all innocent and only cared about what crayons we would use or when recess was....

But I guess im just here to vent.....
You're probably not racist but you obviously have issues. I don't know if it's stress or race or w/e but deal with that. The person that just snaps one day is a bigger problem than the ignorant running rampant. You shouldn't have got their order wrong. You should be more assertive and ppl wouldn't constantly treat you as a target to be insulted and disrespected.

There's a bunch petty stuff in your story too. You stress to much that you're not racist and know you're not racist. You had to tell us the women were fat despite you allegedly claiming you have nothing against fat ppl. Why not go off on a fat tirade instead of race based one when you snapped on them?

Either way sounds like you had a bad day.

Sounds like you was on some Korean store owner meltdown right out of Do The Right Thing.
1st off why did so many ppl rep this dude for this story? :smh:
So I live in PG, MD where its mostly blacks.
Im Asian so over here, im the minority. Now I was born in PG and grew up here and my whole life my best friends were black and hispanic.
So I know that im not a racist but damn it theres so many ignorant people here to the point where I just wanna smack every single one.

My whole life growing up I been constantly insulted and made fun of for being "chinese" (which im not. Im Korean)
Its literally to the point where I never experience a week without a racial insult/stereotype... literally.
Esp. back when I was in middle school and high school these racial jokes would NOT STOP.

My most CLEAREST memory was when I was in middle school of when it started.
So this black girl tries to answer a question and gets it wrong.
So I just raise my hand and answer it.
Here's the dialogue:

Teacher: Was Lincoln an abolitionist and why or why not.

(I know.. the irony of talking about Lincoln but I swear im not joking)

Her: Yes, because he fought for the freedom of slaves.

Me: *Raises Hand* No, he wasn't. He just didnt want slavery to expand and he had no other option for the South if he abolished slavery.
(Im not sounding like a smart ***. The reason why I know this is because the teacher JUST explained it the other day.)

Her: Are you ******ed? I thought Chinese people were suppose to be smart? *In a ratchet voice*

*Everyone laughs*


Anyways, thats just 1 in a MILLION insults and stereotypes I have encountered.

So now im in College and im a "food runner" at a local place. Not the waiter but just the person who brings the food.
So like I said, it's mostly blacks here (which i have to problems with) but yall know.... Ratchet city down here basically and excuse me saying that but theres no other way to describe it.

So the waiter gets an order wrong to 3 black (fat. excuse me saying that. I have no problems with overweight people) ladies which means I bring them the wrong food.
As im putting their food on the table and walk away with "enjoy your meal"

they quickly call me back yelling saying

"WTF is this? I didn't order this."

Me: Oh im sorry. I'll quickly bring out the meal you ordered

Her: *In a rude and ratchet voice* Well maybe if you were a stupid ******g Chinese you wold get my order right next time

*They all laugh*

At this point im done... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with these ignorant people. I refuse to be insulted by a bunch of stupid people cause either:

1. Their parents didnt raise them right


2. Our education system failed them (I think its both reasons, though)

So I lose my mind and yell at them:

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU WERENT A ******G (Insert N' word.... eding in the "-er) YOU WOULD KNOW ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU (insert F' word ending in -ing) FAT (Insert B' word). SOMEONE DOESNT NEED TO STUDY PHRENOLOGY TO SEE THAT A LITTLE (Insert N word ending in -er) LIKE YOU IS NATURALLY STUPID"

|I Of course I didn't mean nor believe in what I said but i just lost it.....
I know im not a racist but I guess i just really wanted to insult them...

The story ends with me getting fired and yelled at, etc. No need to explain that...

But damn.... Anyone ever felt like this? The point where you can only fight racism with racism?

I know it wont solve anything but... i dont know... its hard to explain. I guess I just had enough.

Im in no way proud of myself saying that because like I said, my closest friends back in HS were all black and hispanics.

What happened to elementary school? When race wasnt even an issue (to me at least) Back when we were all innocent and only cared about what crayons we would use or when recess was....

But I guess im just here to vent.....
You're probably not racist but you obviously have issues. I don't know if it's stress or race or w/e but deal with that. The person that just snaps one day is a bigger problem than the ignorant running rampant. You shouldn't have got their order wrong. You should be more assertive and ppl wouldn't constantly treat you as a target to be insulted and disrespected.

There's a bunch petty stuff in your story too. You stress to much that you're not racist and know you're not racist. You had to tell us the women were fat despite you allegedly claiming you have nothing against fat ppl. Why not go off on a fat tirade instead of race based one when you snapped on them?

Either way sounds like you had a bad day.

Sounds like you was on some Korean store owner meltdown right out of Do The Right Thing.

go type this in that thread.

Meth would not be pleased
Zik, I'm trying to get away from that, why did you have to post that WHOLE thing? And you know the answer to your own question
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