the thread about nothing...

it pisses me off when i see threads made about a WSHH video..

it also pisses me off when someone posts a link to that piece of ish site..

just like we cant type about anything porn related or anything race related people shouldnt be allowed to post links to that site..

its just as bad as a porn site..
Then people would just get the videos off YouTube. People are doing that anyway to carry on the facade that they dont go to World Star, yet the videos are tagged with WSHH

We gotta ban youtube as well.
it pisses me off when i see threads made about a WSHH video..

it also pisses me off when someone posts a link to that piece of ish site..

just like we cant type about anything porn related or anything race related people shouldnt be allowed to post links to that site..

its just as bad as a porn site..
Then people would just get the videos off YouTube. People are doing that anyway to carry on the facade that they dont go to World Star, yet the videos are tagged with WSHH

We gotta ban youtube as well.
Minus whale clothes da intranet wild we ear attic.
Nothing worse than hungover/drunk bowl movements
People still get hangovers? Drink a glass of water in between drinks.
:lol:  water??? I ain't trying to be judged when I'm out drinking 

but yes, water works..... I just don't wanna look like a square old person. I mean who asks for water at a club/bar

do you at least drink a tall glass of water before going to sleep?

that's if you don't black out of course…
Nothing worse than hungover/drunk bowl movements
People still get hangovers? Drink a glass of water in between drinks.
 water??? I ain't trying to be judged when I'm out drinking 

but yes, water works..... I just don't wanna look like a square old person. I mean who asks for water at a club/bar
do you at least drink a tall glass of water before going to sleep?

that's if you don't black out of course…
sometimes I do. 

But like last night, I went to bed with a full 64 ounce bottle of water on my night stand cuz I passed the **** out 
sometimes I do. 

But like last night, I went to bed with a full 64 ounce bottle of water on my night stand cuz I passed the **** out 

I always tell myself I'm gonna drink water while drinking. I always forget and grab another beer to quench my thirst though :smh: :lol:
I plugged in my old Super Nintendo earlier today cuz I was feeling nostalgic after finding it in a cupboard and I was surprised it still worked. :smile:
I immediately started playing some Street Fighter II Turbo followed by a few hours of A Link to the Past. Felt good man... :pimp:

man, they dont build systems like they used to. All these yellow lights and red rings now a days... :smh:

I wish I still had my Super Nintendo..
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