the thread about nothing...

For lent I'm giving up religion

Getting ready to go out of town just chilling. I have my best friend over to watch the casa. We are hanging out with the boys having some fun before I leave. About 8 of us are smoking some hash talking **** playing cards. I get up go to the bathroom then wash my hands and  put sanitizer on my hands. I come back to take my place at the shesh, strike my butane lighter. Next thing I know my left hand goes flame up quicker then when Mario picks up a flower. I briskly walk to the sink and grab milk and turn on the water so my hand doesn't actually turn into a marshmallow. 

Everyone was dying when I came back and sat down like **** didn't happen. It was honestly scary when it occurred  but I played it off good. I am sure it is going to be joked about for a while at my expense. 
Getting ready to go out of town just chilling. I have my best friend over to watch the casa. We are hanging out with the boys having some fun before I leave. About 8 of us are smoking some hash talking **** playing cards. I get up go to the bathroom then wash my hands and  put sanitizer on my hands. I come back to take my place at the shesh, strike my butane lighter. Next thing I know my left hand goes flame up quicker then when Mario picks up a flower. I briskly walk to the sink and grab milk and turn on the water so my hand doesn't actually turn into a marshmallow. 

Everyone was dying when I came back and sat down like **** didn't happen. It was honestly scary when it occurred  but I played it off good. I am sure it is going to be joked about for a while at my expense. 

You have been chosen, flameo hotman

Happy steak and bj day tan famb

May you have the most delicious steak and the sloppiest top of your life today
Being tired as ****, barely being in able to study because of work, everyone is complaining because of a "glitch" on the anatomy test and you gotta not crack a smile because you got a 90 on a 20 question test feels pretty damn good. I wish I was this focused a few years ago.
That pic up there reminds me that I think that females that wear Jordan's, Dunks, etc. most of the time are immature. I can't even explain it, really.
ever have that classmate that always asks to study/prepare for class together but never follows through? rustles my jimmies. I'm not in this class to be friends with you brah. :smh:
That pic up there reminds me that I think that females that wear Jordan's, Dunks, etc. most of the time are immature. I can't even explain it, really.

If I see a chick wearing those, it's an automatic turn off for me.
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