the thread about nothing...




does anyone have that picture of those three hogs that look like a richard?

nvm found it :lol:

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I don't think I'm ever gonna be over my ex until I can give it another shot with her. Having to leave the person you love to be on the other side of the world sucks. I love my current gf but not like I loved my ex. When my gf is staying at her place without me for a night I always think about my ex. Had to unfollow her on instagram just to try to stop thinking about her. But sometimes I'll still look at her instagram. Looked last night and she was wearing the necklace I gave her 2 years ago. Had to call her up cuz I haven't talked to her in a while and got really sad after. Said she's never taken the necklace off since I gave it to her even when she was with this other guy for 2 months. We both still told eachother "i love you"


Sorry for my emo just had to get that off my chest

What the hell is wrong with you man? I heard a quote about exes. I'm paraphrasing but it's basically this: "being with an ex is like taking a shower and putting on dirty clothes". They're exes for a reason man. If you are supposed to be together ultimately, it will happen. But this depressing BS you're going through isn't worth it. Why be stressed over **** you can't control?
>D Yall should probably watch it with those pics...

I know theyr'e not really nsfw but its still the kind of thing that could be really hard to explain for some members if someone saw their screen at work or school.
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Why does Wing Stop not have their flavors on their site???

If you dont have anything else you should at least have the flavors.......ROSS!

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