the thread about nothing...

only thing worse is the people who block the driveway with their car
or people that take up seats by sleeping...

this morning i went to the doctor and all the seats were taken and there was a lady laying down taking up about 3 seats..

lets rustle up some jimmies..

People who walk through a door and leave it open are the worst
when i was a kid my brother used to come in the house and go straight to his round about 3 minutes later id feel a cold breeze come through the hallway

id go see wtf is goin on id walk in the kitchen and the back door would be wide the **** open 

leaves done blown in the kitchen n **** 

on time i walk in the kitchen there was a bird (yes a whole bird) on the table then my moms walked in

lets just say it was tragic after the bird left  

all the yambz gonna be thirsty
Don't believe me, just watch. :smokin

Also, how do I quote more than one post in the same post???

click multi on the posts you want to include and then click quote on the last quote you want to include and it'll add all the other post to your reply.

or just copy/paste each quote into the reply :\
rkoi tumblr is ridiculous. that life of excess is too much :smh: :x
i could never wear/pull off something like this, but damn i love this jacket.

sleeves look super cheap compared to the rest of the jacket..

one of my daughters guinea pigs keep climbing on top of their igloo. Looks like he ready to hop out of their cage :lol:
the sleeves are from a vintage jean jacket from the 40s, its a one of and costs $1550

guess the history adds a bit of "value" but the look of the denim just reminds me of some $18 wrangler/rustler/levi straus pants. The core of the jacket is mean though.
Sorry for quoting.. Only 1 time. :/

Dude just do some drawn mock ups of how you want it to look. He's basically asking you how you want the header & tabs across the top to look. Just find a website you frequent often with a nice scheme/layout and bite off that
What pair do you play in? I liked the D-Rose crazy light or whatever they were...but I gotta stick with the Kobe V's.
Pro Models :smokin

It PISSES ME OFF, that females get "offended" when you say man "to" them. I am not calling you a MAN. I just say man a lot. Stop your damn crying.
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