the thread about nothing...

Yeah, I've never craved tacos more than that moment. And then I was let down :lol:.

It's probably better that you didn't make it to Jack in the Box that night :lol:.
:lol: whats that book about? :nerd:

Addiction. Here's the first few sentences of the book:

"I wake to the drone of an airplane engine and the feeling of something warm dripping down my chin. I lift my hand to feel my face. My front four teeth are gone, I have a hole in my cheek, my nose is broken and my eyes are swollen nearly shut."
my drunken self wants to fight you right now..... but to be honest I'd probably beat your *** wehn im sober anyways
:lol: whats that book about? :nerd:

Addiction. Here's the first few sentences of the book:

"I wake to the drone of an airplane engine and the feeling of something warm dripping down my chin. I lift my hand to feel my face. My front four teeth are gone, I have a hole in my cheek, my nose is broken and my eyes are swollen nearly shut."

also keep in mind son who wrote the book got busted out for fabricating large parts of the book.
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my drunken self wants to fight you right now..... but to be honest I'd probably beat your *** wehn im sober anyways :tongue: >D

oooook I ain't no soft pudgy duke like mike brown....I'm more like him anyways

:lol: whats that book about? :nerd:

Addiction. Here's the first few sentences of the book:

"I wake to the drone of an airplane engine and the feeling of something warm dripping down my chin. I lift my hand to feel my face. My front four teeth are gone, I have a hole in my cheek, my nose is broken and my eyes are swollen nearly shut."
that first sentence doesn't draw me in......
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:lol: whats that book about? :nerd:

Addiction. Here's the first few sentences of the book:

"I wake to the drone of an airplane engine and the feeling of something warm dripping down my chin. I lift my hand to feel my face. My front four teeth are gone, I have a hole in my cheek, my nose is broken and my eyes are swollen nearly shut."

also keep in mind son who wrote the book got busted out for fabricating large parts of the book.

Indeed. It takes away from the book, no doubt, but I would still recommend it.
Does anyone know the name of the game with bouncy balls/ balloons that you had to turn into smaller ones and eventually pop? You would shoot metal arrows with cords attached to them into the air to try and pop the balloons/balls the game was on the original playstation i think.

Question revised.
Check out bust a move. It exactly how u described it and I played it on my ps1 aswell.minus the turning into small ones and pop? But its like that.
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Since graduation was last week, I'm taking about a week or so off. Just to rest my brain. Going to finally cop 2k13 and BO2. Pick up some brews, order a pizza, and chill on Netflix all day. Didn't realize how hard I was working recently until I crashed on the couch for a good 12 hours the other day 
I live in France and has traveled pretty good through most of Europe.. Well, friday night started off typical, pre-gamed at the dorms until about 11pm with 8-12 people or so, we decided to hit up the disctheque.. On our way through the middle of campus we see 6 odd white dudes, looking like they were fresh out the bing, fist balled up and grilling us.. Somehow there was about a football field length or two between me and half the other group..

It was me (black), friend light-skinned maroccain male, friend white-american and an algerian, a german and american girl.. We walk maybe 75yrd past these dudes and the german chicks dips out into the bushes saying she has to pee, I'm like no the f you don't, not here, not now.. She was drunk and din't listen. Before she finishes one of the skinhead guys walks up to my group and crosses his arms just waiting for us to do something or make a move..

I almost slapped the german chick for sheer stupidity.. I've been in some sketch places, alone, all over, but never have I run across skinhead/arian brotherhood type dudes..

I told my homie, in the states I'm shooting these dudes on site.. because i know for a fact, if i was alone, I would've been beat to death.
My weekend did not go as planned but what a strange turn of events.

Girl from Friday night who i had a crush on in high school turned out to be one of the coolest chicks ive ever hung out with....we are grabbing drinks Thursday and i am actually oddly excited for it. I haven't actually liked a girl like this in a while, which is probably a bad thing since these are the ones i always seem to blow. The odd dichotomy of:

-I don't like a girl....she likes me....i ignore her...only hit her up when i want something or its convenient for me...she catches feelings
-Girl i do like....i am super nice to....hit up probably too much because i like talking to them....they think im too aggro....stop talking to me or friend zone me...i lose.

I will try to balance this out the best i can this time around.

Oh and the Girl on Saturday night who i thought was gf material...blew me off.

Guess you win some you lose some.
Don't understand why I wake up so tired

I sleep about 7-8 hours a night, pretty sure that's the normal rate, then I wake up and feel the need to go back to sleep. :smh:
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