the thread about nothing...

does anybody know where that gif of the japanese guy holding a magazine up and punching a girl in the face through it is from.
random question but what to you prefer to write in Cursive or Print ? i have not wrote in cursive in so long if i was to go and do it im sure itll be sloppy as hell
Got my performance review from work today.... 35, the last one I got a 49 on. The guy who conducts them is really black and white and may not like me cause I feel like he fishes for the stuff I do wrong to burn me on it and just skips over all then stuff I do right. It's bad though cause my bonus is performance based and this basically means I won't be getting a nice one if any at all and if I get an F average for the quarter I get fired. Can't even do anything about it now cause they grade past cases so my next grade is already floating out there. stressed out as all hell right now.

I haven't written in print since the third grade when I learned cursive I just like the way it looks.
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random question but what to you prefer to write in Cursive or Print ? i have not wrote in cursive in so long if i was to go and do it im sure itll be sloppy as hell

cursive >>>>>>>

it's faster and I have neat handwriting. I can't write in print if my life depended on it. My writing in print looks like that of an 8 year old smh
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