the thread about nothing...

It is not.
You sure?
I have a junior in HS that was taught cursive from the very beginning.
I would constantly read stuff online about "They're taking cursive out of school!", and I would look at the stuff he's bringing home like, "Well what tf is that? Because that sure looks like cursive."
You sure?
I have a junior in HS that was taught cursive from the very beginning.
I would constantly read stuff online about "They're taking cursive out of school!", and I would look at the stuff he's bringing home like, "Well what tf is that? Because that sure looks like cursive."

I just googled it, about only half the states require it. Seen some images and whatnot saying “maybe in 50 years cursive can be our secret coded language” like the letters dont look 99% like their print counterparts. I mean I get its a hyperbole but still. :lol:
You sure?
I have a junior in HS that was taught cursive from the very beginning.
I would constantly read stuff online about "They're taking cursive out of school!", and I would look at the stuff he's bringing home like, "Well what tf is that? Because that sure looks like cursive."

I just googled it, about only half the states require it. Seen some images and whatnot saying “maybe in 50 years cursive can be our secret coded language” like the letters dont look 99% like their print counterparts. I mean I get its a hyperbole but still. :lol:
I feel like its lower level schools trying to cut the curriculum down in order to boosts grades to get more funding.
You sure?
I have a junior in HS that was taught cursive from the very beginning.
I would constantly read stuff online about "They're taking cursive out of school!", and I would look at the stuff he's bringing home like, "Well what tf is that? Because that sure looks like cursive."

Yeah, I’ve never understood the obsession with it - isn’t it just writing?
I remember having to write in cursive from about 4th grade through 8th but then some kids in 9th when we started HS just wrote in print. Most teachers in my HS accepted print or cursive so I went with print as it was more legible for me to write.
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