the thread about nothing...

Mentally handicapped or forced sexual activity?

Regardless, I don't care. What I am tired of hearing is unalive. Suicide. Killed. These are the proper terms.

Lastly, I heard these young kids feel periods are passive aggressive? The **** is wrong with people. I'm sorry, but not all feelings need tk be validated...sometimes you should tell someone they're a dumb ****.
Yea that kills me. We ain't that damn soft as a society that THOSE words can't be said. The hell are we doing here man.

What do you mean periods? Like Punctuation periods? :lol:
Just did a quick search and damn it's a thing forreal. Never heard of it. I will go back and read these but this sounds soft as hell man.


They'd hate my dad. I get stuff like:

"Dear [son]. Good evening. We cannot find the remote control for the sound bar. Did you see it when you were here? Dad"

That's a recent one from when we were in their vacation place the week before.
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