the thread about nothing...

go with your gut feeling primo..

we can't make the choice as good as you can.

the 2nd looks better though if it matters.
NT help me out, im stuck on 2 girls
Im spanish and never been out of my race but recently i ran into an old friend and shes asian, and we just clicked instantly
here are pics

and now here is the other girl ive been seeing, shes so cool and plays videos and sports
this one is spanish

Which one?
pa que ser las cosas mas dificil pa ti? ponte con la hispana la otra se ve media rara...pero ahi tu sabes con cual vas a estar mas feliz busca en ti la respuesta la tienes tu 
NT help me out, im stuck on 2 girls
Im spanish and never been out of my race but recently i ran into an old friend and shes asian, and we just clicked instantly
here are pics



and now here is the other girl ive been seeing, shes so cool and plays videos and sports
this one is spanish




Which one? :nerd:

The Latina is 2x cuter than the Asian. There are a million girls who look just like that Asian girl. I am also biased in favor of Latinas, though. What's up with the 13 tattoo, though? That's a gang affiliation where I'm from :lol:.
NT help me out, im stuck on 2 girls
Im spanish and never been out of my race but recently i ran into an old friend and shes asian, and we just clicked instantly
here are pics



and now here is the other girl ive been seeing, shes so cool and plays videos and sports
this one is spanish




Which one? :nerd:

The Latina is 2x cuter than the Asian. There are a million girls who look just like that Asian girl. I am also biased in favor of Latinas, though. What's up with the 13 tattoo, though? That's a gang affiliation where I'm from :lol:.

no gang , she likes getting inked an she got it randomly for free
I like to think I'm a pretty good public speaker and this is right. The best way to start a presentation is with an ice breaker that will wake up your audience. The ice breaker doesnt even have to be related to your topic, just appropriate for your audience.
For example, every presentation that I gave or watched when I was in the Marines was started by a picture of some tiddays. Completely unrelated but definitely made everybody shut up any pay attention. That is obviously not appropriate for what you have going on, but its just an example of something is effective and unrelated.

Yeah man that's what I am talking about. I might not have had the most intelligent susbtance on some of my presentations, but folks could always relate. I had people from high school/college 6 or 7 years later coming up to me when I'm out in the city at a club remembering presentations I gave.

Capture thee memory.
Any tips on giving speeches?  My partner and I are doing a compare and contrast on Brazil and South Korea, but I hate giving speeches.  I've tried practicing speeches, but I usually fumble words and end up skipping lines.  And when I write down my lines, I end up reading directly off the cards/paper
I hate speeches too, but I've gotten over it.

Speak slowly. Sometimes you just want to get it over with so you'll speak very quickly, which can lead to fumbled and mumbled words. If you have a note card, use it, but don't put your entire speech there. Just notes, to remind you what you have to talk about.
Any tips on giving speeches?  My partner and I are doing a compare and contrast on Brazil and South Korea, but I hate giving speeches.  I've tried practicing speeches, but I usually fumble words and end up skipping lines.  And when I write down my lines, I end up reading directly off the cards/paper

I usually always start my speeches with a NT-esque joke that shows my creativity and sense of humor and it lightens the mood. Usually the entire class is tense on speech day and people are nervous and uptight. Make a joke on a power point slide or incorporate it into your introduction. It is much easier to present to people once humor as been infused into the atmosphere.

Improvisation is solid as well. Know your topic and what you would like to talk about, but don't get caught up in memorizing and scripting the entire are not Bill Belichek, no need to have your first 25 plays scripted.
Any tips on giving speeches?  My partner and I are doing a compare and contrast on Brazil and South Korea, but I hate giving speeches.  I've tried practicing speeches, but I usually fumble words and end up skipping lines.  And when I write down my lines, I end up reading directly off the cards/paper

I usually always start my speeches with a NT-esque joke that shows my creativity and sense of humor and it lightens the mood. Usually the entire class is tense on speech day and people are nervous and uptight. Make a joke on a power point slide or incorporate it into your introduction. It is much easier to present to people once humor as been infused into the atmosphere.

Improvisation is solid as well. Know your topic and what you would like to talk about, but don't get caught up in memorizing and scripting the entire are not Bill Belichek, no need to have your first 25 plays scripted.
I like to think I'm a pretty good public speaker and this is right. The best way to start a presentation is with an ice breaker that will wake up your audience. The ice breaker doesnt even have to be related to your topic, just appropriate for your audience.

For example, every presentation that I gave or watched when I was in the Marines was started by a picture of some tiddays. Completely unrelated but definitely made everybody shut up any pay attention. That is obviously not appropriate for what you have going on, but its just an example of something is effective and unrelated.
Any tips on giving speeches?  My partner and I are doing a compare and contrast on Brazil and South Korea, but I hate giving speeches.  I've tried practicing speeches, but I usually fumble words and end up skipping lines.  And when I write down my lines, I end up reading directly off the cards/paper

I usually always start my speeches with a NT-esque joke that shows my creativity and sense of humor and it lightens the mood. Usually the entire class is tense on speech day and people are nervous and uptight. Make a joke on a power point slide or incorporate it into your introduction. It is much easier to present to people once humor as been infused into the atmosphere.

Improvisation is solid as well. Know your topic and what you would like to talk about, but don't get caught up in memorizing and scripting the entire are not Bill Belichek, no need to have your first 25 plays scripted.
I just pretend im steve jobs or someone else thats good at speeches
Thanks for all the tips, I appreciate it.  I'm gonna try the joke thing and try to speak slow.  Wouldn't hurt to try to pretend to be someone else, but I already know once my group is called I won't even know who Steve Jobs is
.  Repped some of you, but I'll have to get the rest when my restriction is lifted.  Thanks again!
Yeah, imo the second girl is more attractive but its all about who you vibe with better, personality/interests/humor/sanity :lol: jk, but look at the whole package of each one and go with your instinct

Et Jjs merci pour tes conseils, je lirai les journaux que tu as recommendés..... j'ai besoin de parler avec aisance :smokin
My HS spanish teacher told me that I would need to learn spanish one day...I should have listened.

no gang , she likes getting inked an she got it randomly for free

Good thing she doesn't live in Northern California. That could get you stabbed :lol:. Yeah, bro, she's much cuter than the Asian. That Asian girl reminds me of so many girls at Berkeley that I wouldn't give a second glance to. No offense.
Thanks for all the tips, I appreciate it.  I'm gonna try the joke thing and try to speak slow.  Wouldn't hurt to try to pretend to be someone else, but I already know once my group is called I won't even know who Steve Jobs is
.  Repped some of you, but I'll have to get the rest when my restriction is lifted.  Thanks again!
really rehearse your introduction, try to get it word perfect. Look at the crowd as you state your intro, the rest should come naturally, also try to rehearse your conclusion similiar to the way yo rehearse your intro. Also pick one or two friendly faces in the crowd (pick the chick you want to smash)'ll be good man!
ima start trollin ppl like I did in hs..I dont care..I always wanted to be the roomate who played practical jokes one is safe not even my grandma :evil:
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